[h1][b][center][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][center][hider=Alex Hill] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4xj9T7BUQKSu9ZDoOMZ7JbOfE-HR5UJ-G5z5SgKhxeyUvxqYu[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] Alex woke up in a room within the school with a pounding headache and his arms bound. Last thing he could remember was when they tried to escape Erin had run back into the school and when he chased after her three guys came up to him. It felt like his head had collided with something. Quite possibly the butt of a gun. He was groggy but he still felt the tremors in the school. He slowly tried to stand up and noticed part of the floor had given near him. He leaned over and used some rebar that was sticking out to loosen the ropes around his hands. As soon as the rope was dealt with he heard an explosion, [color=cyan]"What the heck is happening?"[/color] He walked over to the door and had to break it down because a small amount of rubble had landed in front of it. He quickly but cautiously made his way through the hall when he noticed Robert trying to lift up a piece of the wall that had fallen. He saw the Walkers closing in on the man and Alex moved into action. He darted forward grabbing Robert's weapon then killed the Walkers before they could make the man into a snack, [color=cyan]"What the crap is going on, Robert?"[/color] "There was an earthquake and then explosions. Hurry and help me lift this wall." Alex quickly made sure no other Walkers were close and moved to the wall to help lift it up, [color=cyan]"Whose down there?"[/color] An earthquake had to happen now. This wasn't good. He needed to get out of here as soon as possible to make sure everyone was alright. "Erin fell through the floor and then this wall came down covering the hole." Once Alex heard that it was Erin down there he shoved all thoughts from his mind and focused on moving the wall to get to Erin. Once the two had lifted the wall enough Alex slipped into the hole. Robert was able to finish lifting the chunk of wall enough to shift it to fall elsewhere. Alex quickly looked around until he found Erin. Seeing the fear in her eyes Alex swiftly lifted her in his arms. He looked around and saw a door that they should be able to get through, [color=cyan]"Robert, there's a door down here. Come open it."[/color] Robert looked at the door that Alex was talking about then hopped down. They moved over to the exit and peeked out of it. A few Walkers were on one end of the hall being drawn by a fire. The small group quickly rushed out of the room towards the front of the school. They made it out right behind a few other survivors. Alex quickly darted to his truck and put Erin in the passenger seat. He then closed the door before she could do anything about it. He ran around to the drivers side and jumped in. He looked to Erin pulled her into a hug and said, [color=cyan]"Are you alright?"[/color] [@Demonic Angel]