[@The One] My idea with fire breathing was for him to melt the rocks he moves around. So will change it like this. Type of Dragon: Earth dragon- Lava breathing and for bio I cut out and changed it so he hatched once there was noise around his egg, he still didnt want to but it happened. Bio: He remembers the warm voice speaking through his egg shell. The words making his shell vibrate. It was one of those words that he took as his name. But one moment as time was a strange concept when you are inside the egg, there was many loud noises. Noises he didnt like. The egg shook and then everything went silent for really long. He didnt want to leave his egg, so he didnt. He wasnt sure what but at one point sounds returned. He was already too big for his egg and when he shifted unsure the egg broke and he was out. Is it okay like that?