[h3][color=a2d39c][b][center]Ntaj Zoov Yaaj[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [Center][color=a2d39c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Orc Camp [color=a2d39c][b]Actions:[/b][/color] Preparing dinner[/center] After a few minutes of wrestling with Honey, Ntaj tossed him into the forest. [color=a2d39c]"Honey go hunt! Lots meat in forest!"[/color] Honey snarled at Ntaj but did as he said. Ntaj would have no problem letting Honey stay at the camp normally, but if he couldn't control his hunger then Ntaj didn't want him around the food. Though to be fair, Honey wasn't exactly tamed. Smart enough not to go attacking every animal within the vicinity, but when it came to food Ntaj had to keep Honey on a short leash. Aphoristically anyways, last time Ntaj tried to leash Honey he just cut his way out. With the badger no longer badgering him, Ntaj turned towards the others. It seemed that Sana, Kyra, and Satilla were going to be skinning and preparing the meat while Keystone did the actual cooking. Normally Ntaj would help carve up the meat too, but he felt that three were enough. He would have been willing to cut some vegetables, but it also appeared that Keystone had already taken care of those. This left Ntaj a bit lost on what exactly he could do... Though they did still need a place to eat. While Ntaj was sure they were quite used to just squatting, he was also certain they would like some better accommodations then just a dirt floor. So without shame, Ntaj took off his sizable cloak and laid it into the dirt, making a mat for some to sit and eat on. Even if this did leave him very... Exposed. Even his hide armor only covered his chest, leaving his legs and loins exposed to the elements. And even then he took off his hide armor, leaving it with the rest of his belongings on the ground. The only thing he kept with him was his choppa which he left slung across his back, and a knife on his belt. Rooting through his belongings Ntaj tried to set up a comfortable dinner area around the campfire, mostly by tossing his furs around into makeshift pillows and cushions. As it grew later into the day, Ntaj even wondered if he should set up camp for the others. Unless they were going to leave tonight as well. Once he finished making the area comfortable for the others, Ntaj went to the three girls to offer his assistance, plucking the feathers off one of the fowls so it could be butchered.