Updated the Mech sheet to have height and weight as their own separate categories. Additionally I suppose I'll throw a hat in the ring. Not sure if this character will be terribly important, but whatever. [hider=Garret Taylor] Name: Garret Taylor Veerol Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Garret is slightly short standing at five feet and nine inches tall. He has brown hair that sort of domes down to around the tops of his eyes. His face is round, he’d say pudgy, and clean shaven. His casual attire is a mix of red and black clothes either made of plastics or light cloth. For piloting the Tempest he wears a company issue form fitting suit in Monthas yellow with the company raven emblazoned on the chest. Gear: N/A Abilities: A good, but untested pilot. He has not been allowed to pursue much else of note. Personality: Some would Say Garret is too hard on himself. Garret would say he’s just being honest about his abilities, thoughts and actions. He strives to get better in his life, but on exactly what can sometimes get muddled in his desire to correct all of his deficiencies. Socially he is more reserved around new people preferring to analyze them first, but is quite capable of being boisterous and outspoken when he feels comfortable. Even if it’s the completely inappropriate. History: Garret grew up as a lower class citizen in a mining village. The mechanical frames that his family and the rest of the community relied upon for their livelihoods fascinated the young boy and drove him to learn as much about them as he could, both their civilian and older military roles. He wasn't aware of it at the time, but a rebel group was gathering weapons and supplies nearby. Around the age of ten a Monthas group with aid from several nearby security agencies descended upon the mining site and began destroying everything indiscriminately to draw out the rebels and bury any evidence of their existence. Soon after a battle broke out as the rebels got to their own machines and fought back. It lasted for hours, but to Garret it felt like years as he hid in the rubble of what used to be his home. Eventually the shooting did stop and Monthas personnel looked for survivors for execution, but Garret was fortunate that he was discovered by the young Dr. Veerol. A scientist in Monthas R&D. Veerol gave the boy one look over and saved him from execution by adopting him into the Veerol Family. Since then he's been formally educated and allowed to express his love for mechanical frames. Its fortunate that Garret wants it as Veerol would force it on him otherwise, having saved him mostly to be used as a mentally malleable test pilot. Extras: N/A [/hider] [hider=Tempest] Name: Tempest Appearance: The Tempest stands 20 feet tall yellow machine with interspersed red armor pieces and red highlights with angled armor. Notably from standard designs are the mechanical frame's right forearm a giant cylinder made to house its primary weapon that extends forward proportionately, but extends back behind the elbow considerably. Instead of ending in a hand the arm ends in three long deadly clawed fingers arrayed around the barrel of the cannon. On its back it has a backpack of sorts containing its primary jump jets, but this is pushed farther down the back than expected to make room for a bulge behind the shoulders containing the new twin monthian reactor. Height: 6.1 m Weight: 12 tons History and Development: The tempest project is an attempt by the Monthas Corporation to develop energy weapons for their line of external Mechanical frame weapons.. However early into the project it became apparent that the weapons would need a specialized machine for housing of the weapon itself. At least for its early prototypes. The lead scientist, Dr. Veerol, pushed to make the gun more and more powerful to the point it actually drew more power at a time than a single reactor could handle and twin reactor was developed specifically for this purpose. The whole system proved to be a significant monetary investment so to protect it the team splurged for special armor for the reactor and energy cannon to protect them. Weapons and Equipment: The primary armament of the tempest is the Fulmine cannon, a brutish energy weapon that fires raw energy in a long beam that pierces armor. Because of its energy requirements it can only be fired once every 15 seconds and only five times before the capacitors are burned out. Secondary equipment includes a 6 barreled rocket launcher over the left shoulder and a Monthas high capacity sub machine gun in the left hand. Due to the nature of the Tempest’s other arm this weapon cannot be reloaded in the middle of combat. For close quarters the Tempest relies on its claws to try and crush and pierce armor. The armor of the Tempest is average except around the Fulmine Cannon and the twin monthian reactor, which is particularly well protected by a rare lightweight armor. The Tempest, like its armor, is of average maneuverability, but its EHPS allows it to make short dashes and long jumps. [/hider] EDIT: It may be a bit op. Might need to tone it down. EDIT: Fixed some things in his backstory and reduced the Fulmine Cannon to five shots.