[color=a2d39c]"I fear I am neither, dear master! I am an M-series INVALID FIRMWARE gynoid, serial number 023782, designation "Ruukoto". My registered owner is ERROR: REGISTRY NOT FOUND, at your service."[/color] Ruukoto gave a precise forty-five bow, the now-vertical mop dripping water down her back. Unsure of what to do next, she stayed in this position. That is, until Harvey's outburst- at which point she jumped up, startled and blushing furiously- or rather, a pair of red LEDs lit up behind the silicone skin of her cheeks, which was the closest she was capable of. Her mop clattered to the floor beside her, momentarily forgotten. [color=a2d39c]"S-so very forward! I am afraid I am incapable of sexual intercourse, dear master, as I am not a P-series gynoid. I am lacking the proper equipment and subroutines."[/color] Ruukoto got down on her knees and prostrated herself before the pair- trio, now. She'd have to greet the third master once she was done apologizing. [color=a2d39c]"My humblest apologies for failing to meet your expectations, dear master. I fear that as an M-series gynoid, I am only capable of cooking, cleaning, YOUKAI_EXTERMINATION, general assistance, and observation duties. As a mere machine, I cannot exceed my programming."[/color]