[h3]Fortuna City, Eastern Gate - Insect Extermination[/h3] [color=ed1c24]'...mutt, you say?'[/color] the red-armoured angel asked, a newfound tone of aggression in her voice, only to be cut off by her blue-plated partner pointedly clearing his throat. [color=0054a6]'Who's talking about being a mutt, halfbreed?'[/color] he asked in his turn, notably unannoyed by the jab, though somewhat calmer anyway for knowing that the girl at least seemed to intend against violence toward the two, even if she was still prepared to respond to violence with violence. [color=0054a6]'In any case, I do my best to avoid civilian casualties regardless, for it wouldn't be in Paradiso's best interests to slay its potential soldiers; I'm sure my partner is just as willing to avert that sort of needless loss too.'[/color] Iscah was notably hesitant to confirm or deny that sentiment. In the end, she didn't get an opportunity to respond either way, as yet more Scarecrows found themselves charging out of the woodwork, alongside a number of Marionettes - which, she noted, would be just as weak to flame as their bug- and straw-filled counterparts. Eventually, she simply decided to tell the half-demon Kosara to [color=ed1c24]'Stay out of my way, demonspawn,'[/color] before leaping into the midst of the swarm, this time choosing not to directly utilise her flamethrowers, but rather to simply engage in melee combat with the horde as a sort of challenge to herself, taking advantage of their rather close packing to dole out Wide Swings where she could, blocking their scythes with her bucklers as necessary and dodging when she could not block, and when enough empty space opened up around her, to initiate a Tornado Strike, not only striking and slaying more of the demons, but setting them alight and often starting up a chain reaction of demon igniting demon until the crowd dispersed to avoid it. Iacobos took a somewhat different approach. With a larger horde than before presenting itself, he imagined there would be no harm in, say, bringing forth a small army of his own. Not the angelic entities in reserve, mind, for they may be of more use in a bit, but his own acquired minions. With three consecutive cries of [color=0054a6]'Affinities!'[/color], three portals edged and crackling with electricity opened, and three separate groups of the minor Angels poured forth before they closed - two groups of five A classes, one of five D classes, and each group led by a single E class. Eighteen in total, and whilst not strictly stronger than their foes, the E classes would at least be fairly resistant to harm, as any Scarecrow or Marionette trying to get in range would have to contend with the angelic flames that threatened to sear and burn anything evil that moved into close quarters. With his minions summoned, Iacobos doled out orders to them as follows, executed as they came: [color=0054a6]'Destroy the Scarecrows and Marionettes! D classes, initiate with a skyward attack on your charge! Leave the half-demon alone unless she attacks an angel!'[/color] As anticipated, the initial charge was successful enough, with the D classes sending the foes unfortunate enough to be struck by their flails into the air and the E classes setting ablaze the few fiends who dared stand their ground. After that, they found themselves up against the odds, for whilst both groups were certainly cannon fodder, the demons had rather more bodies to throw at the angels than vice versa. If Iacobos' calculations were correct, he figured the Affinities ought to hold out just long enough for the horde to disperse or be destroyed once again, since Iscah seemed to be holding her own very well; even so, he readied his blades for a close-range fight, just in case his assistance was needed. [@rivaan][@Sho Minazuki]