[@Dynamo Frokane] and science is your only method of measuring levels of 'smartness'? You don't think a creationist can be clever, genius in their own way, for example philosophies, spiritual guidance to troubled people, maths, literature, history, etcetera. I think you're thinking too much about this on the religious side. Religion has nothing to do with ones capabilities to be smart or not. History has proven that time and time again. You claim that these people go against science but you yourself are going against history, which in my eyes is a far more clear sign of stupidity. There are many benefits to religion that have [i]nothing[/i] to do with religion. Social ties. Helping troubled people. Providing guidance for those that need. Providing hope for those that can't find it elsewhere. Creationism doesn't mean you're stupid. It just means you have a different idea on the world. Your lack of being able to process that, that too signals to me that you're not yet mature enough to even consider entering a discussion with these people. It reminds me of what Trump said when he used Mussolini (the father of fascism) his quote 'better to live one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep' or something among those lines. 'It's a great quote,' and with that I want to say; even dumb people can say genius things, even geniuses make mistakes and/or say stupid things, even evil people have a shred of good, and even good people have evil hidden deep inside of them. Discrediting people based on their religious views - well, let me say, it already puts you in the same department as you put them in. [i]Listen to what people say[/i] and not to who you think they are. It might work wonders for you.