[@MechonRaptor][@Chev] Thalion Runescar Thalion followed the fight closely from the line of defenders as more of the group arrived and found where they fit. The two most notable for him were the Paladin with the cracking weapon and the priestess. If he had chosen a side in the conflict over the years between the two factions, his choice might have been more difficult. His blades bit into the back of a Felguard lumbering at Eantus flank as he battled others in front with great strength. The demon turned to face the source of its pain but found nothing behind it, yet still felt the sting of something in its back. Clumsily reaching a free hand behind it to dislodge the source of its pain, a new level of anguish assailed it as the dumb creatures hand fell to ribbons. A wet gurgle escaped it's lips as Thalion slit it's throat from behind before slumping to the ground. "I will watch your back, Draenai. If your weapon breaks just pick up one of theirs." Though he knew the Draenai paladin needed to encouragement to do just that, the rogue liked to be sure. Grasping a bow from a fallen defender of Elunes sacred temple he drew back a fallen arrow and let fly at a swooping felbat, the Golden arrow exploding through its wing, sending it tumbling in a heap near the priestess for easy smiting. Thalion caught her eyes for an instant and nodded as he drew his blades. He would do his best to protect the area between priest and paladin.