Victoria had arrived late. She had had some car troubles and had to stop for some help. She was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans, black converse, and of course had her black eyeliner done. She had been hesitant about coming here, but her parent's insisted. They thought it was a school where she could earn some certification or something. Honestly, Victoria didn't pay much attention to what her parent's said, she just knew they were forcing her to come here. She quietly walked up to the large house and wondered what this was all about.. As she walked in she saw some demonic wolves and people freaking out when a cloaked figure showed up. Victoria was enveloped in shadows as she stayed back and merely watched the scene unfold. [i]What kind of place is this...[/i] She thought to herself. Why was she brought to a place of total chaos? It made no sense.