On a side note, it'd certainly be interesting if things go the way I hope they will; Kaite becoming a hardass in Cassie's footsteps, having issues with Pip, Ashely and maybe Makobi. [color=gray](Questionable conduct and assumed deviance) (Haven't seen much of them to be sure of anything >_< ) [/color] Then there's Dr. Nathan who Kaite is [i]certain[/i] to blame for Cassie's death...to the point of likely being reprimanded by the captain for violence against a crewmember, depending on how a few details play out in the thread. [color=gray](Regardless, not all relationships on a ship of criminals has to be positive...and sometimes for [i]subjectively[/i] good reasons rather than objective)[/color] *avoids any entity remotely robotic if possible* ;>_> Not too sure what to do with Rae, Tahillie and Jolnar. [color=gray](I imagine it goes in this order: 'Nice non-robot lady who he seeks the approval of', 'Cassie 2: The drunkening', 'Robot sympathizer')[/color] *Does best to keep Ray healthy and in fighting condition* :D [color=gray](This is pretty rough-draft of what I wanted to add to my CS in the 'relationships' section. After the events leading up to Cassie's death, it occurred to me that it wasn't right to write out assumptions without interactions...but no, if the 'human geneticist' that was away with the party turned out to be Nathan, Kaite is [i]going[/i] to give him a hard time)[/color]