[center][h3][b][u][color=#000000]G[/color][color=#19000E]a[/color][color=#32001C]e[/color][color=#4B002A]l[/color][color=#640039], [/color][color=#970055]V[/color][color=#B00064]e[/color][color=#C90072]r[/color][color=#E20080]e[/color][color=#FB008F]n[/color][color=#E20080]s [/color][color=#970055]E[/color][color=#7D0047]s[/color][color=#640039]t[/color][color=#4B002A]r[/color][color=#32001C]a[/color][color=#19000E]d[/color][color=#000003]a[/color][/u][/b][/h3][/center][hider][center][img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/ed9d/f/2013/345/d/6/pink_eye_by_momijigirl-d6xjcsb.png[/img][/center][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Gael, Verens. Estrada. [b]Alias:[/b] Nightfall. [b]Age:[/b] 19. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Alignment:[/b] Villain. [b]Loyalty:[/b] Himself. [b]Theme:[/b] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRLOeaT8X-k]Sons of Pythagoras - Eye Of Storm.[/url][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] Of relatively average build for a man of 19, Gael stands at 5'6 and weighs roughly 185 lbs. When not out in Costume, Gael wears blue contacts. His eyes, as such, tend to take on a purple coloration due to the light pink and purple blending with the contacts. He carries around sunglasses as well and never wears the shirt with the 'eye emblem' on it. He has some muscle to his build, but not much of it is noticeable at all. [hider=Costume][img]http://i.imgur.com/v9KQdfo.jpg[/img][/hider][center][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Rundown:[/b] In short Gael is a manipulative, egocentric personality with narcissistic tendencies and a relatively small capacity for empathy. He uses people to achieve his ends, he's two faced and he lies more easily than he tells the truth. One might call him a social chameleon and they'd be right in saying as such, because it is often that he either blends in or instead chooses to use his charisma to create his own clique. Still, Gael is not all bad, as few are, and is rather a damaged boy with a lot of very bad habits and a closed heart. Rather than face his flaws and insecurities he has long since locked them away, instead retaliating with a cold anger when questioned or confronted about how he treats people. He is stubborn, indignant and, well, arrogant not to mention he has a superiority complex. Overall he's what most would consider a toxic personality and really, they're right. Nonetheless, if perhaps he got some help for his issues he could improve. Until then he's only going to get worse and his rapidly growing intellect is going to make his decline into the darker end of the moral spectrum hell for everyone around him. [b]Motivations:[/b] Gael wants control, plain and simple. He's obsessed with a world where everything functions according to a plan, to a singular purpose. Preferably that will be a purpose dictated by [i]him[/i]. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Asexual; Bi-romantic. [center][h3][b]Parahumanism[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] TBA. [center][b][u]Classification[/u] [i]Thinker:[/i] 8 | [i]Master:[/i] 5 | [i]Striker:[/i] 4 | [i]Trump:[/i] 2 | [i]Stranger:[/i] 4.[/b][/center] [b]Details:[/b] Complex in nature, Gael's power allows him to manipulate a volume of ethereal energy equivalent to a sphere with a radius of 20 meters. Due to his power allowing him to control the volume, he can alter its shape and thus the range of his control allowing him a variety of control and sensory schemes. This field, upon coming into contact with humans, saps mental energy, increasing the density of the field, and thus allowing for greater psychic force to be exerted. When the minds of humans or parahumans are tapped, Gael is capable of gaining impressions of their feelings, focus, and thoughts in the given moment(s) of contact. Continued contact however, causes a gradual decline in free will, for humans, or a gradual decline in power/control, for parahumans, before their powers are nullified and their will is slowly drained as that of a normal human. This process, while it can be sped up via physical contact or additional energy exerted, works very slowly, with free will being drained and weakened over a period of days or weeks, and powers being weakened over a period of hours or several days. Additionally, Gael's thinker power compounds his intelligence with the mental energy he assimilates, increasing his processing and multitasking abilities gradually as well as allowing him a sort of hivemind composed of personality fragments from those he has tapped into in the past. While Gael cannot ascertain the nature of a parahuman's powers via his ability, he can tell the difference between humans and parahumans as well as a vague sense of the intensity, or strength of their power(s) relative to his, and his hivemind's, experiences. Last among the complexities of his power is his ability to [i]push[/i] mental impressions, emotions, or ideas, into people within the reach of his field, allowing him to manipulate not just through words and actions...but also thought making him a manipulator even more dangerous than those one sees in day-to-day life. Beyond this, Gael's power can effectively do the reverse of what it does naturally, empowering people--humans and parahumans alike--as well as driving them forwards...not that he does this often. [b]Limitations:[/b] Time is, first and foremost, the biggest limitation to Gael's power, as it complicates his ability to control those who have been exposed to his influence, and while his eventual control of others is practically perfect it is more likely than not to never occur based solely on how difficult it is for him to gain that control in the first place. Additionally, while Gael is capable of mounting psychic attacks with his power, inducing headaches or confusion, this requires energy from his power, which can weaken his control of his thralls as well as reduce his capacity in the future, forcing him to drain others to gain more energy. Beyond this is [i]awareness[/i] as anyone who understands his power, or is conscious of its use on them, can resist his influence far better than others. Last among his powers limitations is its unreliable nature when faced against Thinkers, who tend to have a higher chance of resistance against him in general...though they can be broken in time. [b]Equipment:[/b] TBA.[/hider]