There's been a growth of an attitude. I think. In society and it's reflected in the media. The idea of talking about ideas has changed. You see this strongly on the net and translated into real life for the worse. This art of simply sitting down and talking and digging people for thoughts is a fleeing art. Now it seems that in people, net and media conversations are all about joining in to get "the mic drop" The people who want to sit and talk facts, ideas and necessary feelings/philosophies/perspective are out there. The public sphere is just as staffed by angsty fucks who want that mic drop as the normal populaces now. This mentality always leans to the worse of biases. No wonder most people consider media especially no better than shit posting propaganda. It's been like this for a while now, but we're seeing it strongly being implemented in politics too because people who talk in a calm and civil manner-or even passionate one- get slammed by labels and bullrushed by the side who starts screaming over them first.