[@BCTheEntity] I know you discussed a little about this with Lucid about the nature of magic but I want to delve into it a little more as I plant to make a Mage, depending on how the lore pans out it may change to suit it. [indent] Is magic flowing through every living being like plants, rocks, and all that jazz? You said that force of magic is like a river, and those who can use it are like branches to it. So the question is, where does the source of [s]mana[/s] magic come from? It feels like a universal force from how its being explained or is it literally just like a field of energy to draw from like what you linked before? [/indent] [hider=The initial idea] The initial idea was a druid who is born in Ireland and is an attempt on recreating old magic with science, the idea explained as coming from the first 'hybrid' creators. The druids would be able to turn themselves into animal aspects temporarily or permanently whichever one they chose and are essentially the first hybrids for that act. Latter progressing into creating their Treant Protectors (Ents / Tree People ) by magically combining their mages and trees together. They are the stereotypical fantasy druids who have lost most of their magical potency but still have rudimentary control, meaning animals still love them and with some white hair and instant aging the plants still listen sorta. [/hider] [hider=the revised idea] If that didn't work then I might as well go for the path of being a matter disintegrator mage or as close to it as possible...(who needs to blow up buildings when you can focus it?) Don't combine science and magic kids! [/hider]