[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Atheism VS Theism is a different thing, you dont get plus or minus points for either as you cant really prove if there is or isnt a god either way, its sort of just what reasoning you use to presume which is more logical. Creationism DOES make you stupid, as creationism isnt a simple as I believe in a higher power, its anti-scientific biblical literalism. Its believing things that have been proven false. The correct correlation would be creationism vs rationalism or scientific method. Any one running for president who thinks god 'magicked' the world in 6 days is a moron, period. [/quote] The sign of an educated man is when he can entertain an idea, without accepting it. If you can't so much as empathize with creationists, regardless of their academic and occupational accomplishments (which clearly demonstrate that their abilities haven't been retarded by their faith), it doesn't reflect well on you. You're presenting everyone who reads this forum with a choice, between an elitist who can't consider the perspectives of others (and declares a massive portion of humanity, even a huge faction of western civilization, to be "stupid", "anti-scientific", "moron[s]"), and a polite, world-renowned brain surgeon (who casts no such aspersions on you for your beliefs, even though he thinks you're just as wrong as you think him to be). Forgive me, your majesty, if we side with the brain surgeon.