[hr][hr][center][h2][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Evening of Day Three [/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With: [/color] The Group [/center][/b][hr][hr] Others made their own preparations as Keystone started working up a large repast for the group. He grunted with mild satisfaction as Kyra, Sana, and Satilla moved to assist. A project that would have taken him at least an hour and a half to prep, even for an experienced culinarian like himself, wound up only taking twenty minutes (give or take). Meat fabrication was the weighted portion of the effort required for the meal, but it could be accomplished by anyone with hunting experience, or that was good with a kitchen knife. Skin the animals, disarticulate, and remove large muscle from bone. Smaller bits could be tied together and agitated in simmering liquid until the savory meats parted from white bone. It seemed that would be the fate of the rabbits, simmered slowly with bacon, fair wine, preserved seasonings, and the green tops of the root vegetables. Keystone was not a hunter. Nor was he a particularly skilled forager. Nor was he trained in the ways of woodland botany, wild mushroom identification, or wilderness survival. Prior to his days on the road, the large man was quite the urbanite. It was a reason why he provisioned [i]heavily[/i], and generally kept to main roads if alone. Keystone's greatest ability to gather the best ingredients involved silver coin and a cosmopolitan marketplace. Still, if the right materials were offered to him, the art he could create with iron and fire was impressive in its speed and quality. As it turned out, he was given most of those materials by Sana. The rest he could find in his pack. Come to think of it, Sana had kept that cloak with her, prepared for a chance meeting with him. The likelihood of them crossing paths seemed astronomical, considering the circumstances of their previous meeting. She had provided the benefit of her experience to the group as well, providing backup without direct investment. Cloak, backup, and now a woodland feast. If Keystone didn't know better, he'd suspect that the archer was sweet on him. Not that he'd mind the attention; but between the two of them, that would be a monumentally angry coupling. Waving the thought away, he focused on the task at hand. [color=b8860b]"Lots you can do in short order with two or three buggers pushing the same direction, innit?"[/color] he mused aloud, pulling over a larger bit of firewood to perch upon as he set hard into the fowl and roots, action following the intent expressed earlier. Peeling off the tougher skins of the neeps and baigies was a simple task, thanks to the preternaturally keen edge of his primary knife, a heavy, bone-handled seax. While he wasn't exactly trying for perfect dices of the vegetables, he did manage a quick breakdown of the nutritious roots, resulting in even, white and off-yellow cubes of approximately the same size. They hit the iron pan, lined with diced bacon and rendered fat, with a promising sizzle. Breaking down the fowl was a likewise simple task for Keystone. Don't ask him to stalk one, but if you needed it with crispy, caramelized skin and an interior color that displayed the barest hint of pink, he was your man. The massive pugilist set to removing the feathers of his first with practiced ability, systematically doing after the largest first and cleaning up the downy soft ones at the end, turning the bird this way and that. By the time he set his first back down, he noticed that Sana's birds had caught the attention of a mostly naked Half-Orc who was walking his way, presumably confusing him with the women who were breaking down the rabbits and foxes. Keystone's irritation flared as he reached for one of the carcasses, prompting him to slide his workload to the other side of himself. [color=b8860b]"Right! You get your mank danglies 'way from my bloody pheasant. Ain't in the mood for you at present, y'understand? Go find wood or somethin', y'know, [i]else[/i]. Get me?"[/color]