[center][h3][color=#B8EEFF][b][u]Jake Krain[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center][hider][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vkAJEpL.jpgg[/img][/center][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Jake Krain. [b]Alias:[/b] The Outsider. [b]Age:[/b] 19. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Alignment:[/b] Hero. [b]Loyalty:[/b] Rogue. [b]Theme:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Costume][img]http://i.imgur.com/KZuO45Q.png[/img][/hider][center][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Rundown:[/b] TBA. [b]Motivations:[/b] He wants to do as much good as he can...maybe to offset his power's horrific appearance. [sub][i]Fucking Endbringers.[/i][/sub] [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual...he's straight guys c'mon. [center][h3][b]Parahumanism[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] TBA. [center][b][u]Classification[/u] [i]Breaker:[/i] 7 | [i]Brute:[/i] 6 | [i]Mover:[/i] 6 | [i]Striker:[/i] 9[/b][/center] [b]Details:[/b] An often misunderstood power, most believe Outsider's ability to be that of a shifter, allowing him to change his physical body drastically however, this couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, Jake's power gives him access to two bodies, namely the one he was born to and one that is typically stored in what he describes as 'an alternate dimension,' or a 'pocket of isolated space-time.' This secondary body is a rather monstrous thing, with its back reaching roughly 6 feet into the air and its body measuring in at 24 feet in length. This body possesses a slew of capabilities, but perhaps its most notable is its incredible metabolism, which consumes energy from an unknown source and generates an incredible amount of bio-electricity and bio-chemical energy thus fueling a considerable regeneration factor as well as the body's flight, not to mention its ability to manipulate and physically manifest, to limited degrees, kinetic energy. In essence this manifests as a kinetic barrier just off the surface of the body's skin, which is capable of absorbing a fair amount of physical damage before shattering—though it is comparatively weak against energy-based assaults. Beyond this is the body's ability to transform its own bio-electric and bio-chemical energy into pure kinetic energy, which it can channel throughout its form or release in bursts of force. This as well as its size afford it a brute classification as it is capable of a sizable amount of damage if its kinetic bursts, and strikes are well placed. However, the body has other notable capabilities, particularly its senses, which include an electromagnetic perception, enhanced hearing and oddly sensitive skin on its many tendrils. This allows Jake, while in this form, to perceive bio-electricity as well as normal electrical signatures, hear things much further away or with greater clarity, as well as sense subtle shifts in air currents around his adopted form. Aside from this, Jake's second body is really only notable for its significantly boosted regeneration and the durable chitenous armor that protects its torso, head, and arms allowing it to shrug off low caliber rounds, normal bladed implements, and some blunt force trauma. What the Jake's body can't handle, its regeneration can recover from—though this doesn't necessarily mean he can tank just about everything—contrary to what one might think. Nonetheless, all in all Jake's ability is powerful...if monstrous in appearance. Besides this, there is Jake's trump card—which is something he is quite unaware of—as should Jake's second vessel be destroyed or damaged in a manner that would be fatal to it, the body will not die, but instead go into a stasis—shunting Jake's mind back into his physical body. Over a variable period of time, depending on the extent of damage, the body will pull itself back together and regenerate, or just regenerate if much of it has been obliterated. Lastly Jake's Second Vessel is 'telepathic' insofar as it is able to transmit complete thoughts/communications into the minds of others, this is also the only power that persists between his two bodies. This ability is strictly for communication. [center][hider=Second Vessel][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/651c/f/2015/258/1/f/fathom_feeder___mtg_by_clintcearley-d99q9tk.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b]Limitations:[/b] While most would think that Jake's ability ought to make him a powerhouse however, they would be quite mistaken in that assumption as it is rife with exploitable weaknesses. First and foremost, Jake, upon swapping either from his human body to his monstrous one or vice versa, feels a brief, but intense disorientation and confusion as his shard readjusts his physical awareness to allow him to control his given vessel. While only lasting for a maximum of three seconds and not impeding him from switching back and forth, this effect stacks, making him more disoriented for longer should he swap back and forth rapidly. Additionally, while his second vessel sounds durable, everything beyond its armor is relatively frail, allowing its tendrils to be cut off with relative ease—given the prevalence of parahumans and tinkertech—not to mention that its kinetic barrier is particularly weak against energetic assaults. While the barrier can withstand extended exposure to radiation or high ambient temperatures, it will gradually degrade if sudden temperature spikes occur, if explosive force is applied, or if electrical current is involved, which, while not inherently harmful to the vessel is disorienting and particularly painful. Its senses are another weak point as the vessel does not possess eyes and has no means through which to defend its sensitive hearing and electromagnetic detection from either spikes in electrical activity or exceptionally loud noise—both which can disorient Jake significantly. While unknown to Jake at current time, his second vessel possesses a crystal-like hyper dense 'heart' within the most armored part of its torso. This core, while highly durable compared to the rest of its body, if destroyed, will permanently render the second vessel inert as it is effectively its only truly vital organ. It is unknown how the destruction of the core, and thus his second vessel, would effect Jake's power or Jake himself. [b]Equipment:[/b] TBA.[/hider]