Rubble littered the area as Arlus stood in the market district, he had just been released from his own interrogation by C-Sec, but finding nothing to connect him with that attack he was released but not before he was offered a deal, the deal was to get back at the savages who did this. Naturally Arlus accepted and he only asked to keep his name off the record, now he was just waiting for the call. Walking over to a group of C-Sec who where busy moving and digging though a large portion of rubble and debris that was a few feet in height, they stopped for a moment and watched him as walked over to them and began moving away a good sized corner stone voluntarily before they went back to work. Arlus was just about fully geared out and ready to go, the rest of his things where already packed and ready to go back at the apartment he was renting for the time being, Arlus was someone who never stayed in one place for too long he like to move around and explore. As he continued to help move away rubble he was watching left side of his helmet HUD as a conversation was going on in a heavily encrypted channel that was his group, he was watching them speak about the attack on the Citadel, every so often he would stop what we was doing to toss in a word or two to the other members. His attention was taken when he heard one of the C-Sec officers call out that they found someone, Rushing over he began to help move away rubble to find a Turian female who looked to be just a few years younger then himself, she was alive, wounded and barely conscious, reaching over he grabbed a hold of a large piece of rubble that was pinning her down and lifted it just enough for two of the C-Sec officers to drag her out, before dropping it and looking back at the female and smiled beneath his helmet before turning and leaving for his apartment knowing she was in good hands with the C-Sec guys around. He needed to make sure he had everything in check, needed to make a few calls and prepare himself for what he had just signed up for.