[center][h3][color=#3068FF][b][u]Evelyn Chambers[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center][hider][center][img]http://img13.deviantart.net/730f/i/2015/352/e/8/firefly_by_guweiz-d9kjcqt.jpg[/img][/center][hr][b]Name:[/b] Evelyn Chambers. [b]Alias:[/b] Tulpa. [b]Age:[/b] 17. [b]Alignment:[/b] Hero. [b]Loyalty:[/b] Wards. [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 5'3 and weighing in at none of your business, Evelyn is a relatively slim young woman with short hair framing her delicate features, including almond shaped eyes—with teal irises—thin, well trimmed eyebrows, petite nose, and relatively full lips. Her hair, having been dyed mostly purple, has small amounts of its original chestnut brown at its tips to act as highlights. Beyond this, Evelyn possesses subtle feminine curves, though her hips and legs are particularly developed—something which she is simultaneously proud of and self-conscious about. During every day life, she tends to dress according to her mood, with her using colors that reinforce or offset her mental state depending on if it is negative or positive. Nonetheless, she is often seen in jeans, leggings and shorts, as well as T-shirts and hoodies if the weather permits. Occasionally one might find her in a sundress—on particularly hot days—or a skirt, if she's feeling daring. On the flip side, Evelyn, when in the guise of Tulpa, wears an outfit of blue and golden coloration, an ornate mask hiding her face entirely. This mask possesses crystal upon its forehead, stylized as a third eye, whilst five feather-like protrusion branch from the right side of her face and curve upwards elegantly. On the left side of her face is but one feather, which curves up and back slightly, revealing an asymmetrical sort of beauty. The entire mask is engraved with gold painted markings to add a flare of variety to its primarily blue coloration. Her upper body on the other hand is garbed in a blue corset-like garment, with a long sweeping overcoat that leaves a train that stops only at her ankles. Upon her abdomen is a [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Aq7Pc7ysL.jpg]tibetan symbol[/url], which acts as her insignia and translates as 'willpower,' or 'control.' Her arms are covered with a thin lacy garment that extends from the thicker blue fabric of her forearms. On her hands are a pair of textured gloves allowing her greater grip. Meanwhile, below the waist she is garbed in pants down to just below her knees at which point her legs are overtaken by what appear to be stylized boots. However, these boots are actually tinker tech and give her better grip on essentially any substance as well as several other properties. Beyond this a utility belt is typically fastened at her waist, though it is hidden by the designs of her pants and the end of her jacket, with her tools being kept at the back. When in this garb, Evelyn is typically more daring and brave, the costume giving her a certain feeling of empowerment. [hider=Costume][img]http://i.imgur.com/4Q0Pbu8.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Rundown:[/b] TBA. [b]Motivations:[/b] As cliché as it sounds, Evelyn is motivated by the ideal justice, as she is unable to sit back and allow people to make others suffer for their own gain regardless of what that individual gains or how little the victim(s) suffer. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight/Bicurious. [b]Likes:[/b] [list] [*]Helping People. [*]Feeling reliable. [*]Mythology. [*]Meditation. [*]Working. [*]Training. [*]Coffee.[/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list][*]Inaction/Having nothing to do. [*]The 'color' gray. [*]Being alone. [*]Injustice. [*]Bullies.[/list] [b]Derangement:[/b] Due to the circumstances that led up to her trigger event and her personality prior to such, Evelyn—since she triggered—has noticed an intense feeling of guilt that comes over her in times where she witnesses or is informed of injustice and is unable to, or incapable of doing something about it. This guilt can sometimes be triggered when she isn't doing anything—even if there is no notable injustice that she ought to be putting right. Additionally, she is somewhat more overbearing than she used to be before her trigger event, making her come off as either nosy, clingy, or overly judgmental depending on the circumstances. It should also be noted that her sense of judgment/justice has been altered making her see things in a considerably more black and white fashion when it comes to morality. [center][h3][b]Parahumanism[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] Evelyn has a keen fashion sense, keeps herself updated on world news, and is good with people—even if she can be overbearing at times. In terms of useful physical skills, she can sew and has also taken some self defense classes, specifically in Jujitsu and Tae Kwon Do at various points in her life. She's reached the equivalent of a purple belt in both disciplines, but is far from excellent. She is currently studying fashion and graphic design...on top of a few other things she likes to keep up with. [center][b]Classification:[/b] [b]Master: 8 | Thinker: 8[/b][/center] [b]Details:[/b] Appearing as a faint, wavy silver light in the air somewhere near her person, Evelyn's power revolves on the control and manifestation of a projection. This projection when inert is ethereal and formless aside from the aforementioned silver light. In this state, Evelyn is capable of giving mental commands for the projection to move. Due to its ethereal nature, the projection is unimpeded by any and all barriers, be they physical, energetic, or otherwise allowing it to move through and occupy the same space as effectively anything or anyone. Whilst in this state, Evelyn is capable of sensing objects and people within the [i]'shadow'[/i] of her projection allowing her to ascertain their shape, as well as the materials and energies composing them on an intuitive/subconscious level. This information is more or less perceived as properties. In short, she learns what sorts of properties would be emulated by her projection. While in this state, Evelyn is capable of controlling the 'size' of her projection's [i]'shadow.'[/i] Beyond this, her projection is capable of manifesting into a more physical form by first superimposing its non-physical [i]'shadow'[/i] form over that of other objects and/or individuals before it may scan and copy various properties from the subjects. After scanning, the projection may manifest. This form varies in shape, size, and function greatly ranging in height anywhere from 4 to 12 feet at current time—though Evelyn has implied that this is not the biggest she's seen it. Upon manifesting, Evelyn's projection is under her complete control, allowing her to move it as if it were an extension of her own body via subconscious and conscious commands. While Evelyn cannot entirely perceive what her projection perceives, she is capable of “feeling” what it feels thus allowing her to tell if it is damaged as well as its location and what it may be doing. [b]Limitations:[/b] While Evelyn's projection is capable of incredible feats in various categories, it has some rather unfortunate downsides the first being the fact that it is essentially an accident waiting to happen. This comes in the form of Evelyn only being capable of retaining complete control of the entity for the first five minutes of the projection's manifestation. After this point the entity becomes entirely autonomous. At this point in time her projection is only forced to follow one directive, that being to protect her from harm and assist her as best it can. For an additional five minutes after this point, the projection is generally harmless and relatively stable however, after this point the entity's behavior becomes increasingly erratic, irrational, and unstable. The entity will misunderstand the actions of others around Evelyn and attack them seemingly without reason after a certain amount of time has passed. As a result, Evelyn does her utmost not to allow her projection to remain manifested for more than ten minutes at a time as doing so endangers everyone within her general vicinity. Additionally, when Evelyn's projection is returned to its inert state it loses all copied traits as well as being inaccessible for an amount of time equal to how long it was active. It should be noted that if Evelyn loses consciousness the projection will not de-manifest and while it can be destroyed, doing so tends to require a considerable amount of effort due to the entity's disregard for life, property, as well as the amount of power it is capable of bringing to bear. Lastly, as with most parahuman abilities, Evelyn's projection cannot manifest inside the body of another living thing—not that this amounts to much due to the nature of her abilities. It should be noted that Tulpa's projection is only capable of going roughly 4 blocks from her person. [hider=Equipment][i][b]Bo Staff:[/b][/i] A relatively mundane bo staff that is made of metal cushioned somewhat by a tensile material layered over it. The staff is retractable and can be hidden behind her when in costume, where it typically lies in her "secret" utility belt. This staff has been altered with tinkertech making it hyper durable as it is capable of absorbing and dispersing kinetic energy applied to it to a degree. [i][b]Smoke Bombs:[/b][/i] Fairly mundane smoke bombs kept in her utility belt. She can only carry four, but they can cover a rather large area in a relatively short amount of time, giving her cover to make her escape. [i][b]Protectorate Earpiece:[/b][/i] Used for communication with headquarters and her team. [i][b]Holographic Interface:[/b][/i] Integrated by a tinker.[/hider] Note: She's been a ward since she was 12. She triggered with Astral and Outsider during Golden Morning at the age of 8.[/hider]