[center][h1][color=orange]qυιnтen rυмanceĸ[/color][/h1] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Male%20Characters/Quinten%20Rumancek%20GIFs/tumblr_lzxiyeM6g81r1fabt_zpsymbt9dum.gif[/img] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/43/a5/1e/43a51e695bc92a17af7e540b722efa27.jpg]oυтғιт[/url] [color=orange]locaтιon:[/color] Homeroom [color=orange]ιnтeracтιonѕ:[/color] Caleb, Jacob and Lily [@smarty0114] | Mentions: Indie [@Filthy Mudblood] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Post%20Banners/Dividers/Untitleduh_zpslhivcmlw.png[/img][/center] [color=#F5B041][b]"I'm actually kinda pumped for it,"[/b][/color] Quinten's smile spread almost to his ears and he immediately looked over at her out of the corner of his eye, then back towards Caleb. He couldn't blame his pal, she [i]was[/i] one of the prettier girls in their grade. Hell, she always had been. Even in grade school. Any boy back then would have risked cooties to have just simply held her hand. [color=orange][b]"'Thinking Out Loud', bro?"[/b][/color] he gave a light chuckle, but was cut off my Jacob's response. [color=skyblue][b]"I wonder why you're so excited Lover Boy,"[/b][/color] Immediately, almost in sync with Caleb, he turned to glare at Jacob and mouthed, [i]'Shut up!'[/i] Quinten quickly side-glanced Indie before turning to give Jake one last glare, giving Lily a friendly 'hello' smile before turning back to address Caleb's offer of coming over after school to play some COD. There was no hesitation in his reply, he hardly let Caleb finish, [color=orange][b]"I'm so down. Get to wreck on some noobs!"[/b][/color] Quinn smirked, all this time having continued to play the song on his guitar, which now came to a final end. From his right, Quinn could hear Jake inviting Lily over to their house. His face crinkled up in disgust, leaning closer to Caleb as he murmured, [color=orange][b]"We're gonna need to crank up the surround sound, if you catch my drift."[/b][/color] Suddenly it came back into his attention that Indie had bandages on the side of her head, so he decided to ask lover-boy. Whispering as low as he could so Indie, who sat right in front of Caleb, couldn't hear. [color=orange][b]"Ey, do you know what happened to her?"[/b][/color] After a second of hesitation, he continued, trying to sound as genuine as possible, [color=orange][b]"Maybe you should talk to her. Ask her if she's okay, man."[/b][/color] As much as it could have been taken as teasing, Quinn [i]knew[/i] Caleb know him well enough to figure the tone in his voice meant otherwise. [hr] [hr] [center] [h1][color=lightcoral]arιa delaney[/color][/h1] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Female%20Characters/giphy%201_zpslloygntp.gif[/img] [url=http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/10296975_302755246550752_2104036765_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=NzIyNjA1OTM5NTg5MTc3NjEx.2]oυтғιт[/url] [color=lightcoral]locaтιon:[/color] Homeroom [color=lightcoral]ιnтeracтιonѕ:[/color] Clyde [@KlayKid] | Oberon [@LovelyAnastasia] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Post%20Banners/Dividers/5352317_origina_zpsht9etyxp.png[/img][/center] Peeking up from her science packet that she'd already managed to blow through without trouble, she looks at her binder where she wrote down her science fair project group's names. [u]Oberon Grimbald[/u]. [u]Ebony Washington[/u]. [u]Clyde Lee[/u]. [u]Thomas Jones[/u]. [i][u]Jake McKinnon[/u][/i]. In her boredom, she began to draw over Jake's name, then scribbling over it, blacking it out. [i]'There, perfect,'[/i] she thought to herself with a smirk. Looking around the room, Aria scanned from her back left all the way to Clyde who sat right beside her on her right and stopped. He had his head buried in his arms, appearing to be upset. It came to her attention that the teacher had mentioned the girl who'd sat in front of him moved a few days ago. Were they friends? Had to be. Or something at home was going on. Either way, it almost hurt Aria to see him look so sad. Reaching over, Aria tenderly tapped his shoulder twice with a single finger. [color=lightcoral][b]"Hey, um.. Clyde.."[/b][/color] Was that- ..yeah, that was his name. Normally she wasn't bad with names, but for some reason it was a bit difficult to place his at the moment. [color=lightcoral][b]"A-Are you okay?"[/b][/color] From her left came a voice, one she wasn't particularly familiar with. [color=darkgray][b]"We should designate sections of the assignment to each person in the group. Equal work, but minimum interaction."[/b][/color] Already, Aria was starting to not like this guy. The way he held himself and spoke to her, he seemed to act as though he thought he was better than the rest of the class. [color=darkgray][b]"Everyone holds up their own end. Anyone who fails to pull their weight will be reported and,"[/b][/color] strong dramatic pause, [color=darkgray][b]"-offered up to get a flat failing grade."[/b][/color] Okay, yes. [i]That[/i] was understandable and no-doubt an obvious rule among any group project. [color=darkgray][b]"The sooner it is planned and delegated, the sooner I can be done with such trivial so called 'science' of making a child's volcano. I have better things to waste time on than something so simple a six year old could do an adequate job at completing..."[/b][/color] Aria half turned towards Oberon at this point and looked him dead in the eye, narrowing her own just slightly when she noticed his smirk. [b][color=lightcoral]"There's no need to be a snob. I don't know where you get this.."[/color][/b] Aria stumbled on the word she wanted, [color=lightcoral][b]"-[i]attitude[/i].. but there's no way we're going to be one happy family in this project if you're going to start being that way. However correct you may be in the fact the people who do the least work, or no work at all, will be credited properly.. you could suggest said demands a little nicer."[/b][/color] Aria looked from his eyes to his toes and back again, her lips pressing into a thin, frustrated sort of line. [color=lightcoral][b]"And maybe smile every once in a while. Wouldn't hurt ya, would it?"[/b][/color] [center][img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Post%20Banners/Dividers/5352317_origina_zpsht9etyxp.png[/img][/center]