[@Jotunn Draugr] Well you dont know the man personally so lets not start calling him polite, or that he saves kittens in his spare time. There is not enough time to consider every wacky alternative view, would you honestly be taking him just as seriously if he thought that the stork delivered babies or that the earth was flat? These arent even religous veiwpoints by the way. And you are presenting a false dhicotomy, everyone who isnt a creationist is an 'elitst' unless you are calling everyone with a school level understanding of science an elitist. I'm not saying Ben Carson is an evil man because he has stupid ideas, but a stupid idea is a stupid idea. You roast democrats and liberals on far less for their [b]opinions[/b] on how they think the world should be run, I dont call you an elitist for not considering the perspectives of a socialist or a communist. You've clearly considered the views and you think they are dumb, hence you dont think they should run the country, regardless of their academic acheivements in economics. And this 'huge portion' thing is a lie, most people ARE NOT creationists. Most Christians believe in evolution and the scientific method, and most people who believe in the scientific method ARE christians. You undermine everyday church going people when you attactch creationism to their wordviews, your majesty.