[center][h1][color=fff200]Piper Lance[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][hider=Piper Lance][img]https://s20.postimg.org/6n530o8q5/images_39.jpg[/img][img]https://s20.postimg.org/jhydfglyl/female_werewolf.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Piper had only ever met this wolf once and then only briefly so she was hoping she would be able to remember his scent accurately. She went to the cemetery on the outskirts of a small town. She could only hope it was the one she had remembered. It had been a few years. She caught a scent she recognized. She followed her nose to a tomb that was locked and she grabbed the lock and yanked it off with one hand smashing it to bits. She entered the tomb and followed her nose a little more and moved a cement statue inside the crypt and an opening underneath the casket's resting place. Piper went down into the dark and followed the passageway to a door. She opened it and entered the dimly lit room. Once inside she stared right into the eyes of the wolf she was looking for. He was in human form. [color=fff200]"Rohar?"[/color] Piper said transforming into her human self. She was still covered in dried mud and she was of course naked. This is a normal occurrence for the wolves but not for vampires and she was not used to worrying about her nudity anymore. She looked into the eyes of the wolf she remembered and she nodded to his brother. She made the mental note that they looked very similar. Piper said [color=fff200]"Do you remember me? It was only a few years ago when you turned me into a werewolf."[/color] Piper reached out and put her hand gently against his face and said, [color=fff200]"I need your help,"[/color] she looked at Dantis and said, [color=fff200]"your's too."[/color] She ignored the vampire's discomfort at her nudity. [color=fff200]"I need you to help us kill Dracula. He wants to make me his new pet/girlfriend/ eternal lover whatever you want to call it and there is no way I can do that."[/color] [@Ryker Rohrer]