[color=orchid][h1][center]Sophia Danvers[/center][/h1][/color] [color=orchid][h3][center]Inside the ambulance[/center][/h3][/color] [@OtomostheCrazy] [@Heckno12] [@AbysmalDemon] At the sting of a slap across her face, Sophia's torrent of apologies stopped. She'd known the girl wouldn't be too happy to see her as she woke. She hadn't expected forgiveness, she just hadn't known what to do other than apologise. Now, she sat in silence, in the full knowledge that she'd deserved the slap. As awkward as Rheese was in these kinds of situations, it probably was best to leave the comforting to him. Still, on some level, it was a relief to see the girl starting to act the way she normally did. [color=orchid]"I... I take it you're feeling more like yourself, then,"[/color] she said once she could bring herself to speak, a tiny shard of the usual edge to her attitude returning, although her voice still shook. Things were going to be ok, she told herself. No thanks to her, but this girl and her Pokemon would be fine. She was just glad Kero hadn't come with them, given the way he'd reacted. [color=lightpink][h1][center]Event: Mythical Pokemon[/center][/h1][/color] [color=lightpink][h3][center]Outside Windshire[/center][/h3][/color] [@Iatos] Among the common sights of the route leading from Windshire, a much more unusual Pokemon floated through the air. It flew in and out of the trees, playing with a swarm of Butterfree, a tail much longer than its body streaming behind it. It stopped, the tiny pink hairs that covered its skin bristling, stubby ears twitching. Peering out from the greenery, it saw a human make his way along the route. He wasn't looking in its direction, but humans caused it to shy away at the best of times, and this one... There was something about this one especially that set it on edge. Turning in the air, the Pokemon fled.