[@Leslie Hall] I just hurt so much. And my body feels so heavy. And I've been plagued with stomach aches the last few weeks. And it's been crappy weather. The power went out, was without it for three odd hours, no phone because the towers were down too (Something about their batteries being blown by the lightening strike that took out all the power in the state), I was so cold, and I've had a low grade headache alld ay that could have turned into one of my migraines, but didn't thank god. And now something has just smashed and I'm pretty sure it was something hitting my car, but its too dangerous to go out and check. And my family sucks. I'm so tired of being underappreciated, of being told Idon't do enough when I essentially run myself into the ground for them most of the time. [i]sighs[/i] Imight just go sleep.