[b]Ryu Heisui[/b] Location: His home somewhere in the heart of Kirigakure The air was dense with the sound of silence. Standing, in the center of the small house, was Ryu practicing his stances. With his father's sword in hand, Ryu was moving fluidly from stance to stance. This was the least he could do as he awaited the message to rally with his new team and meet his new sensei. He couldn't help but allow his mind to wander to who he was possibly going to be paired with, and he also wondered if he would leave good impressions on them. Ryu understood that he had an uncanny ability to accidentally insult a person while he was conversing with them, and he was slightly worried that he would become a black sheep among his teammates. Ryu closed his eyes and shook his head. Now wasn't the time to worry about such possibilities. He had to keep his emotions in check and keep a calm mind. Without much delay, Ryu returned to his practice. Soon enough, Ryu's mind began to wander onto the upcoming meeting again. This time he was wondering who is sensei was. He had heard many rumors about how different each sensei greets their new team, and he was nervous. He had heard that some Genin teams are subject to one more test and are sent back to the academy if they fail. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Ryu has heard that some sensei's have the first meeting be a way of introducing the new team dynamic. Whatever the outcome, he had to be ready. Ryu was soon finished with his sequence of stances and then took a break. He sheathed Swift, his father's sword, and began to make his way into the kitchen. He saw his mother, who was reading a book, at the kitchen table. Ryu couldn't make out the book's title, but noticed that his mother was too enthralled with whatever she was reading to notice that he had entered the room. He gave a smile towards his mother and started for the front door. He knew that the message was going to come sometime today, and he figured that he would wait for the message in front of his house.