[center][h1][color=red]Reezan[/color] & [color=goldenrod]Sena[/color][/h1][/center] [i]How many times has this song and dance been played? No matter what they won’t get any information out of me.[/i] thought Reezan as he sat in his hard metal chair, hands handcuffed to the metal table in front of what he knew was a one way view into his room. Reezan closed his eyes and let out a long breath, this practice not only has let Reezan control his breathing and heart beat but it soothed his mind as well, reminding of the instance right before pulling the trigger. He replayed his memories from all of his adventures that led him to this cold room, to the time back on the Flotilla with his kind. [i]Sometimes I wish I could go back.[/i] he let out a heavy sigh [i]But this is my life now, the Blue Suns are….were my new family but now everything has been taken from me.[/i] An old memory about the only quarian he could remember, the only ones that were ever nice to him during his rebellious childhood. [i]What was her name….ah right, Sena. Heh, I wonder what she and her mother are doing now, probably saving my whole race from killing themselves.[/i] His peaceful reminiscing was cut short to the sound of the door being opened and the lights being turned on. Reezan kept his eyes shut, not like they could tell anyway and awaited the obvious interrogation. “State your name.” a voice called out to him, a voice he recognized, it broke him out of his concentration in a wave of disgust. Reezan opened his eyes to see none other than Faulius, [color=red]”You know my name, traitor.”[/color] he said in an aggressive tone. Faulius slammed the table and brought his face right to Reezan’s mask, “State. Your. Name. Before I tear off that mask and watch you die from exposure.” Reezan watched as this Turian faked his threat right through his disgusting mandibles and chided, [color=red]”If you wanted me dead then you’d have killed be way back then Faulius, I am Reezan’Tarak nar Voruuk, the Shadow of the Blue Suns, I admit to whatever crimes you have on my file because they were obviously me, no I will not take the deal to shorten my sentence by ratting out any of my former group, and no I have no last call.”[/color] This was not the first time he was asked all this so he thought to just skip to the end and get it over with, much to Faulius’ anger. “Feh! I have no idea why they want to deal with you but I’m not doing it,” Faulius turned to the wall facing the table, “You come in and deal with him! I’m done here.” He made one last disgusted look at Reezan and walked out of the room. Again Reezan sat awaiting whatever it was that comes to him. The door opened again and replaced his old nemesis with another one of his kin, another familiar one but he couldn’t quite remember whom. “Do you know why you’re here?” He hated the game Turians played. [color=red]”I assumed I was here to pay for my crimes, I already did months in maximum security, I thought I’d be there for life but you guys keep pulling me out hoping to get dirt on the Blue Suns.[/color] The Turian walked over and uncuffed Reezan and sat in front of him, hands folded, “That may have been true in the past but now there is a different offer. How would you like a shot at redemption?” Those words struck Reezan, [i]Could it be possible? Could I somehow get my life back? No, it’s too late for me now.[/i] [color=red]”It’s too late for me, I’m here now thanks to my choices. I don’t feel bad for what I’ve done but I know these are my repercussions for my way of life.”[/color] Reezan muttered coldly. The Turian ran his hand across his face and sighed, “That is a shame, after taking an attempt on my life you don’t even have the decency to take me up on my offer to help?” Reezan’s eyes grew wide when he realized he sits before the same man he was arrested for attempting to murder. “I’m here to offer you a mission. One you will probably horribly die on but if you make it through you’re free to go. You’re one of the best damn shots in the galaxy as far as I was told and frankly we need someone like you on the team. So, what do you say now? Rather die out old in your cell? Or fighting the good fight for once?” The offer hung in the air while Reezan took his time to think, but the answer was obvious, Reezan reached his hand out and shook the Turian’s. [color=red]”I’d rather die holding my rifle then holding myself or some book in prison.[/color]. The Turian smiled, “I thought you would see to a soldier's reason. Now the crew is waiting for you, let’s get you on the ship.” [color=red]”One thing first, why are you doing this?”[/color] Reezan couldn’t believe what he was being offered, the Turian smiled again, “You’re too young to die in prison son, and no one is too far from redemption.” These words were continuously playing through his head after being let out from the interrogation room for what he hoped was the last time. “You’re being foolish” Octavus warned, but Sena had made up her mind, Reezan was in trouble and this was how she could help. She ignored Octavus’ protests as she was escorted by armed guard to an interrogation room, opposite Reezan’s, not that she was aware he was currently being held there. “State your name for the record” a bored-looking C-Sec human officer drawled. [color=goldenrod]”Sena’Raan vas Alarei”[/color] she answered. “And you’re here to bail out a friend aren’t you, Quarian?” [color=goldenrod]”I am here for Reezan’Tarak nar Voruuk”[/color] she replied curtly, [color=goldenrod]”If you do not release him, Octavus will make sure you pay dearly”[/color] Sena didn’t like to threaten, but the universe had dealt her a strange hand, several strange hands actually and she simply made the best of a bad situation. “Y’know you’re a strange one, your file is relatively bare, the only strikes on your record is the company you keep and the way you dress” [color=goldenrod]”The way I dress?”[/color] this seemed ridiculous, she had no choice but to wear her envirosuit, that wasn’t a crime! “You’re Octavus’ girl, he’s a snake, I wouldn’t recommend sticking around with him, no matter what you owe him, guys like that don’t have friends, and your buddy Reezan, he done some bad things. I’m trying to convince myself you aren’t involved in any of this trouble but eye-witnesses claimed that the Icarus terrorists wore gold visors, just like yours. You can see you’re putting me in a bit of a bind here right? Girl walks in with a band of pirates asking for a Blue Suns assassin to be released and she just so happens to be wearing the colours of a known terrorist organisation?” [color=goldenrod]”I am NOT a terrorist!”[/color] she insisted, it seemed ludicrous to suggest such an outlandish notion. “Then what do you plan on doing with your Quarian friend if we bail him out?” [color=goldenrod]”I will bring him home, to the Flotilla where we belong”[/color] C-sec guy scribbled a note on paper. “And Octavus? I’ve heard he has quite a crush on you” Sena blushed, but beneath her visor it was invisible to the human. [color=goldenrod]”I am a Quarian on Pilgrimage, once I have found a suitable Gift for the Fleet, I will go home, Reezan will come with me”[/color] she wasn’t exactly confident in convincing Reezan, but, well she could try at least. “Alright, here’s the deal. We know you’re crafty, you escaped a band of Batarian pirates single-handedly, and you’re dressed like one of those Icarus goons, maybe you could even do some stealth. If you work with us, we’ll give you your buddy back. Sounds like a fair deal?” Sena thought hard for a moment … was this a fair deal? “We were looking for Octavus but, he refused and you might just be exactly what we’re looking for. Whaddya say?” [color=goldenrod]”I want to see Reezan first. I want to know he is alive and well”[/color] she insisted. There was no point joining this mission when she wasn’t even sure the reports on Reezan were real. He could have been dead and she was being tricked. The C-Sec officer banged on the door of the next interrogation room. “We got a visitor for the Quarian, open up” he barked, the door hissing apart. Sena couldn’t believe her luck had worked out for once, Reezan was alive and looked rather well all things considered. [color=goldenrod]”Keelah!”[/color] she exclaimed, overwhelmed to finally see another Quarian, and one of her friends no-less. She briskly stepped over and checked him over. No suit breaches, no injuries, he wasn’t even fighting any infections. Perfectly healthy and alive. [color=goldenrod]”I thought you were dead”[/color] she spoke in Khelish, the Quarian’s native language. [color=goldenrod]”I’ve come to take you home”[/color] Reezan looked to the door as he heard it open. A golden clad quarian came through the door and began to hurriedly examine him, the only hint of surprise Reezan showed was his head performed a double take. [i]What the hell is she doing here?![/i] Reezan not expecting to see his long lost friend, Sena, again just after signing his life away. Concealing his emotions he responded coldly in his native tongue, [color=red]”It didn't take. And I'm not going back, I just signed myself on to some mission, I'll either die out in the field or die in my cell.[/color] Reezan takes a step away from her back to the Turian officer, [color=red]”Sena, go back home. You're smart, you could probably engineer a gift instead of needing to find one. I don't know what you know of me now but I'm not the boy you used to know. I've killed dozens of people if not more in my vain attempt of living in this world. And now I'm off again to go kill others, I guess this time it's the ‘good’ side I'm helping.[/color] Reezan turns to the Turian, [color=red]”Let us get this over with.[/color] Reezan starts to walk past Sena, off to his death. Sena wasn’t giving up so easily. She’d been kidnapped, traipsed across the galaxy with an amourous Turian smuggler doing goodness knows what kind of mischief with his dealings. No. Reezan wasn’t going to waste all her efforts. They’d left the Flotilla on Pilgrimage together and she’d be damned if they didn’t make it back somehow. [color=goldenrod]”You boshtet!”[/color] she fumed, losing her temper for the first time in … possibly her entire life. [color=goldenrod]”You have no idea what it took for me to get here.”[/color] she sighed, maybe it was another ironic twist for fate throwing a bad card her way again. [color=goldenrod]”Fine. You go on your mission then”[/color] she switched back to english again, there was no point speaking their native tongue, Reezan clearly didn’t feel he belonged with her back on the Flotilla. The C-Sec officer chuckled under his breath, “An amicable reunion I see. See here Reezan, she’s going with you. Are you going to sign the deal girl or have you changed your mind?” Sena gave Reezan a furious glare, he was a Quarian too, he could probably read her body language, humans and other aliens struggled to read emotions through the suits but Quarians were used to this way of life. [color=goldenrod]”I’ll go … Someone will have to patch up that suit when you throw yourself on a plasma grenade”[/color] Reezan looked at the C-Sec officer and boldly stated, [color=red]”She. Is. NOT. Going.”[/color] pointing at him with each word. [i]I can't believe this idiot, she's not a person for combat or even what seems to be all out war.[/i] He strides over to Sena and looks deep into her eyes behind the visor, [color=red]”I don't need help. I've lived for years with my group as the only Quarian, I can patch myself up. Plus if a grenade gets anyway near me then I haven't done my job properly and deserve what happens. Go find your gift and go back to the Flotilla, your mother will be worried sick about you coming back, you're not going to make her sad are you?[/color] Reezan knew this was a low blow but it was his last trump card to ensure Sena’s safety. Reezan turned away from Sena and walked away towards the assigned ship. Sena shook her head. She didn’t want Reezan, or anyone, to know what she’d gone through. The pirates, the violence … it had pushed her to the limits … Try as she might, she couldn’t quite bring herself to say she [i]didn’t[/i] enjoy seeing all these strange new worlds with Octavus … it was beautiful and exciting, but she done bad things to get there. “I think you underestimate her. We wouldn’t have recruited her if she wasn’t able to handle herself well enough.” the C-Sec officer scanned the file with the report of a destroyed Batarian base. [color=goldenrod]”I can. Reezan, trust me … I can do this.”[/color] “She probably knows more about pirates than you do at this stage, what with her buddy Octavus an’ all” the C-Sec officer laughed. Sena was growing impatient with his unnecessary comments and she signed the deal. Ready to board the ship. Octavus was waiting on the holding-bay and gently grabbed her arm. “They told me what you’re doing. Stop this madness Sena’Raan” he said, oddly polite for a pirate but he’d always been rather kind to her. [color=goldenrod]”I will be safe Octavus”[/color] she looked over at Reezan, [color=goldenrod]”We’ll stick together. Thank you for helping me.”[/color] Octavus glared at Reezan and stomped over to the considerably smaller Quarian. Quarian’s were often small stature and Turian’s tall and hulking, but this time Octavus was throwing his weight around. “Be careful Quarian” he snapped, mandibles clenched tightly. A thinly veiled threat, for some reason or another, this gnarled Turian pirate was rather defensive about his Quarian friend. Reezan looked this Turian, Octavus, in the eyes with a glare that has seen enough blood shed to be as deadly as his rifle. [color=red]”If this is a threat, I've killed people much larger and scarier than you, Turian.[/color] he spat the word like it was a disease. He looked back at Sena one last time and said in his native tongue, [color=red]”This isn't that you aren't capable, I was just trying to keep you safe you dolt. If you're so set on this then let's go already.[/color] Reezan turned around again and walked to the shuttle without turning back. Sena smiled. [i]I know, and together we’ll stay safe this time[/i] she thought. Looking back at Octavus one last time before walking onto the shuttle.