[quote=@Buddha] [@Dynamo Frokane] Sigh. [b]You are really comparing MATHS, a fucking [i]science[/i] to religion, something that is not by any means a fucking science?[/b] [b]But frankly insulting his intelligence is about what I'd expect from you. Ad hominems are easy. As mentioned before, it requires actual intelligence to see someones else's point of view without insulting them. Have a good day lad.[/b] [/quote] Creationism is the false equivication of science and religous claims, you should be angry at carson for that, not me.... Are you sure you know what creationism is? It seems like a lot of you in this thread seems to be using it interchangably with religion. When the two are actually seperate. And agressively ignorant is an adjective not an ad homenim. If that triggers you I dont know what to tell ya, drink some ice water maybe.