[b][u]Prisoner Holding Deck, Citadel Docks, 22 Hours After Icarus Bombings[/u][/b] [i]'At least they finally managed to cut off that incessant message'[/i] Tarrin thought to himself as he walked past the blank screen of a Galactic News Terminal. His team had been assembled, and as per the Council's instruction, they were sitting in the holding cells designed to detain prisoners who were being shipped off-world. Their gear had been placed inside the [i]SSV Omaha[/i], a newly constructed Alliance-Turian vessel in the same design of the [i]Normandy[/i]. The official story would be a loss in power triggered the door opening, and the 7 prisoners made a break for it aboard the stealth ship that was awaiting deployment. Fisher and Hawke were supposed to be passing the message to the others, but to be sure, he was heading in himself. The door to the C-Sec checkpoint slid open and the two human officers stationed there stood to salute. [color=0076a3]"There's no need for that, officially I'm a renegade now, remember? You're both clear on your role in this?"[/color] "Yes sir" the closest one responded. [color=0076a3]"Well, cuff me and bring me in. Time is short"[/color] He was escorted into the holding room and took a seat alongside Fisher. [color=0076a3]"Status"[/color] he whispered to the human, keeping an eye on the cameras above them, waiting for the signal to move. [color=ed1c24]"All ready to go sir"[/color] [color=0076a3]"Let's get to it"[/color] The light above the camera flickered and went out, they were free to talk. Tarrin stood and addressed his new crew. [color=0076a3]"You're all sitting here cuz you agreed to a job. Whatever reasons you had for signing on are your own. Consider this the moment you clocked in. In one minute, the lights will go out and that door's gonna spring open, when it does, don't hesitate, just run. We're gonna board that frigate and make for the relay. They're gonna shoot at us because they have to, but they will not hit. We'll discuss the mission once we're free of Council space. In the meantime, explore the deck, find a place to call your own. Now run like hell"[/color] As he finished, the doors sprung open, and the crew moved out. The next 15 minutes were a blur of gunfire, blasting cannons, and way too many close calls for Tarrin's liking, but they finally hit the mass effect relay, and with that, their mission began.