[center][h1][color=red]Reezan[/color][/h1][/center] As the alarms sounded and door opened Reezan could only feel tension, the door moving much too slowly. When the door was half-way opened he shot off like a bat out of hell towards Sena's cell, he yelled in Khelish, [color=red]"Sena, stick behind me and keep up!"[/color] He quickly caught up to Tarrin, his light armor making up for his body's non-athleticism due to his sedentary position as a sniper. He figured if he stuck close to a beloved Spectre then there would be no way a bullet would come near him, and having Sena behind him gave her a shield in case of such an incident. The smell of gunpowder was one he knew all too well but it gave him the adrenaline rush required to make this look real. Something bore into his shoulder, [color=red]"Damn it!"[/color], Reezan exclaimed but pressed on. He covered his shoulder with his hand as he kept moving, [i]I thought they weren't supposed to shoot at us! This was probably on purpose, maybe someone getting revenge for someone I killed, just another form of karmic retribution I guess.[/i] Blood began to pool under his hand as he rushed faster to get to the ship to avoid contamination. Once on board Reezan moved quickly to the medbay to start his treatment for his shoulder. [i]Well looks like I do need a patch job,[/i] he laughed to himself and seeked out Sena in order to fix his suit. After he was cleared he immediately went to the lower decks to find himself a rifle to call his own, his old rifle being confiscated that is. He chose his loadout and after the feel of a jump he came up to the navigation deck to discuss this 'plan' Tarrin was talking about.