[h3][center][b][color=goldenrod]Sena'Raan vas Alarei[/color][/b][/center][/h3] Sena may have made a grave mistake. Up until now, she'd been a hostage of sorts, to the Batarian Pirates, to Octavus and his Turian crew, and yet ... even when she'd been "arrested" by C-Sec, she was viewed as a non-threat. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time and they didn't real hold her culpable for her actions. That didn't fit this mission though, so she was arrested but no chargers were filed on her record. Amid the group of smugglers and pirates and thiefs, she was just [i]there[/i]. When they began their less-than-heroic escape, she felt further out of place, she felt as alien as she had when she'd been kidnapped by Batarian's except this time she'd put herself in this position. Reezan's familiar suit sent a wave of relief over her, perhaps she didn't have to feel so alien after all. She did as she was bid and stayed close, bullets zipped by and she thought she'd gone mad- no, she was certain she'd gone mad. At some point Reezan got hit and and blood splattered on her visor in a fine mist. Even when they were on board and the airlock sealed shut, she still didn't calm down, adrenalin pumping. Reezan needed medical attention and she immediately began performing first aid and suit repairs for him. [color=goldenrod]"Oh I don't need help, I can patch myself up"[/color] Sena quipped sarcastically, putting on a mock-Reezan voice. [color=goldenrod]"The mission hasn't even started and already I have to stitch you back together"[/color] her voice softened a little when she was certain the wound would heal, there was no guarantee Reezan would get away without an infection though ... hopefully it would only be a mild fever. [color=goldenrod]"I hope you know what you've gotten us into"[/color] Sena said, putting away the medical things as Reezan left. She took her time to explore the ship, examining the engines with great fascination ... this ship was far more high tech than Octavus', far too high-end for her to ever hope to bring back to the Flotilla but she could learn from it in the mean time. The engineers on the engineering deck gave her queer looks and kept a distance until she asked a question about the drive core. When it came time to find a place for her things, she selected quarters near the lab where she could study and examine weapons and geth and things.