[center][b]Khosin, Shadow Broker post:[/b][/center] [center]Accessing: [i]Batarian Hegemony Military Network[/i][/center] ACCESS IDENTIFICATION: AG385-zpR3 PASSCODE:********** >> ACCESS DENIED PASSWORD:_ >>STAND BY //:OVERRIDE_ADMINISTRATION: HA692-xqZ9 >> PROCESSING PASSWORD: ********** >> ACCESS GRANTED _>> ACCESSING PERSONNEL FILES… >> LOADING PLEASE SELECT A FILE >> RECRUIT 1890034 >> PERSONAL HISTORY >> SERVICE HISTORY >> PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE [center][u]PERSONAL HISTORY:[/u][/center] Subject: Khosin Grathe Sedgoroh Date of Birth: 25/07/2143 CE Place of Birth: Nalkesh*, Khar’shan. [i]*Agent’s Addendum: Based on information relayed to the network by one of our agents in Hegemony Space, Nalkesh was one of the first Batarian nations that would go on to form the Hegemony once the Batarian people discovered FTL travel from the nearby Prothean ruins.[/i] Personal History: Serviceman Khosin was born during the year 2143 CE, as part of the Sedgoroh family, one of the noble families that comprise the upper caste that rules Nalkesh. According to governmental records serviceman Sedgoroh had an uneventful life for the first two and a half decades of his life and, like many other noble-born children, was pampered according to the whims of his parents, the only noteworthy thing to mention being his inclusion into a board school, usually reserved for upper caste children, that focused on students with biotic abilities. During the year 2165 CE the Sedgoroh, following a bad colonial investment, family lost most, if not all, of their wealth, consequently losing most of its assets -along with their privileged position within society- as they were seized by the government to repay the Sedgoroh’s considerable debt to the estate and, before the end of the year*, future-serviceman Khosin had enlisted in the Hegemony’s military corps. [i]*Agent’s Addendum: Although never confirmed by the Hegemony we have information that, in the months prior to his enlistment, subject Khosin took part in a series of petty robberies and other assorted criminal activities.[/i] Service History: Enlisting during the year 2165 CE, serviceman Khosin distinguished himself during training for his single-minded purpose and determination to rise to the top in his group of trainees. Following his graduation from boot camp, serviceman Sedgoroh found himself allocated within the Batarian Internal Forces*. [i]*Agent’s Addendum: The Batarian Internal Force work closely with the Special Intervention Units in matters relating to the Hegemony’s security. While the SIU focuses on threats such as insurrectionist or otherwise subversive groups the BIF focuses on more ‘general’ threats such as crushing any would-be slave uprisings or escape attempts along with any pirate attacks that would somehow infiltrate Hegemony space[/i] During the year 2166 CE serviceman Khosin distinguished himself in battle during the quelling of a slave uprising in the planet Logasiri. Albeit the battle was won thanks to Sedgoroh’s attack he was reprimanded for failing to heed his CO’s order to retreat and for “excessive destruction of ‘recuperable’* assets” and was put on probation for his insubordinate -and wasteful- actions. [i]*Agent’s Addendum: According to our contacts within the Hegemony said ‘recuperable’ assets consisted of a group of 5 or 6 armed human slaves that had surrendered. It is unknown why subject Sedgoroh did this although -based on his psychological profile- we theorize that it was done in an effort to set an example for the price of defiance to the other surviving slaves.[/i] In the year following the uprising on Logasiri serviceman Khosin got multiple reprobation for his conduct on, and outside, the battlefield and was subject to many punishments for his unruly actions. Following a particular incident that resulted in the hospitalization of a fellow soldier, serviceman Khosin was sentenced to a military court but, before the court could convene to decide his punishment, he was recruited by Colonel Dholya Dagkaros of the External forces for Operation: [i]Redacted[/i] Psychological Profile: Serviceman Sedgoroh shows clear signs of repressed anger and shows a clear disdain towards both the Alliance and the Citadel Council. Along with this there are signs that the subject is prone to irrational decisions and rapid mood changes at the slightest insult or provocation. Accordingly, I recommend that the subject be placed in a unit that allows him to make use of said repressed anger but would caution that he be observed at all time for potential signs of insubordination against the chain of command and/or disloyal thoughts against the Hegemony. [center][b]___END TRANSMISSION___[/b][/center]