[center][h1][color=#A7BD77]Alkie[/color][/h1] [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1756/sample_f248d99474e540ef7fc864554c60732997c0d1bc.png?1838096[/img] [/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Winter Ingram. [b]Age:[/b] 17. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Undecided - Hasn't figured it out yet. [hider=Costume] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/a371/f/2016/250/2/6/26134a22a2c255fb5c6ee35cd599c525-dagu2q1.jpg[/img] [img]http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mELvCKDLyYYxIJ_w5c7D0uA.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Power] [center][b]Rating[/b] [b]Shaker:[/b] 8 | [b]Striker:[/b] 5 | [b]Trump:[/b] 4 [/center] [b]Classification // Alignment:[/b] Wards // Hero. Can warp the reality around herself and others, almost as if creating something from nothing. Can also warp space around an individual, or group through touch. When warping space around herself she has a radius of 14 feet in any direction. Once her concentration breaks, whatever she was focusing on begins to collapse and disappear, or return to its original state depending on which part of her power she was using. Reality warping on an individual is initiated via touch, and has a radius of 14ft around the individual in any direction. However, if she's not using it on an individual and rather on a space, it will try and take up as much space in the area as it can. She can also deadstop abilities via contact by changing the "rules" the person follows. Effect will persist until she is rendered unconscious, unable to focus, or goes outside of a 14ft radius of the effected individual. [/hider]