As they flew, Crim felt a sort of regret for not staying with Leo. She wanted to stay by his side until he got better and hoped the boys were training safely, especially Gaelin. He had a spirit that would never break. She gave a slight smile at the thought of her sons growing up into brilliant, spirited men. It made her proud but also cautious. Crim hoped that Gaelin would become strong enough to tame even the worst of dragons, a task Crim herself had problems with at times. "Seralth, you miss the air too?" Crim asked patting her dragon on the neck. "it's been too long." The dragon gave a low roar in agreement. She had grow to a great size through the years. And even when they weren't flying Crim and Seralth spent their time close together. "We'll find them. That I'm sure of." Crim focused her thoughts on her task. She had to find the other dragons, if they weren't dead that is. Ever since the war with the Ironbanes no other dragons had been seen. And even hunters had seen no trace of dragon scales or the beasts themselves. "You won't die out. I will make sure of it." Crim spoke softly to Seralth. The two were bonded to the point Crim knew what Seralth would say if she were human. Her magic always seemed more powerful with her dragon at her side.