[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] The Makeshift Camp [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color] The food to be[/center][/b] Cyne sat at the opposite side of the fire from where Keystone and the others were working on preparing the many dead animals Sana apparently hunted in the time they had spent in the cave talking to the chief. It wasn't a very long conversation, and it didn't [i]feel[/i] like the walk had taken that long. Hells, if she had spent all day hunting and gathering Cyne wouldn't expect to have even a quarter of what was here. Part of her wanted to point out that hunting to this extent was probably way too much, and given the number of orcs already here was overtaxing the ecosystem and could have lasting effects for years to come. However, that voice was drowned out by the sound of her stomach gurgling in flaccid emptiness. So there she sat. Well yeah she [i]could[/i] help out with the cooking, but everyone else seemed to have it covered, and that little voice telling her to think about the ecological effects wasn't entirely powerless. After about ten minutes she resolved to at least do something. [color=#17c311]"I'm going to go look for some firewood. I'll try to be back before sundown,"[/color] she said, standing up. Sure, the chances of finding dry wood were close to nil, but it was better than just sitting around letting yourself grow hungrier. While these woods were unfamiliar to her, they were a favored environment, so she strode forward with confidence as she disappeared into the brush.