You just have to wait a little longer, Aless. He really is super nice. And fluffy. And lets the kids over here ride on his back every now and then. By the way if Clary still called him Kitty Jun he would be totally fine with that. *whispers back* Sneaky sneaky. Garret: *smiles and turns kissing her as he throws the dart* *gets bulls eye* Like I said, I'm on to you. Kat: *smiles* Okay. *throws dart and just barely misses bulls eye* Well fuck. *frowns* Tiff: *does a whoop noise when he gets one in and watches him miss the second* Well see you're getting better at it. *goes and gets one in missing the second* Logan: *nods whispers* I think everyone is. *looks at Alex* No, lame is getting pissy about it dude. Logan and Jo: *take shots* Logan: What are we drinking Checkov? Jo: Yeah, I'm not going that. I'm not used to drinking that much. *words are starting to slur a little*