[center][color=FFDAB9]"Good luck and good idea,"[/color] she said as Dodger moved toward the querent, though Isyph was starting to wonder whether or not it was really necessary. Still, the momentary distraction would allow her to finish the task at hand without much fuss. The blue-haired woman had started to open her mouth, but seemed placated when the Thief started chatting up the follower of Gnara. A frown settled in rather quickly and Isyph could have sworn that it was some kind of jealousy that ate away at the woman. The Uquii girl couldn't quite wrap her head around it, though she could hazard some good guesses as to why the woman was acting that way. Without a moment wasted, Dodger now occupying what had been a momentary non-obstacle, Isyph Al-Delad slipped around to the blue-haired woman and handed her the papers. The clerk looked them over, with a slight nod and searched around her desk for something Isyph wasn't fully focused on; assuming it to simply be a stamp, probably saying something like [i]approved[/i] or [i]accepted[/i]. After all, the fee had been paid and the paperwork was well filled out. [color=87CEFA]"This will do, miss Al-Delad,"[/color] came the eventual reply, followed by the quiet thump of her approval, [color=87CEFA]"the Starless Partners is now among the countless Guilds of Delad. When you've gathered the discs for a Guildhome, you can return here and have construction started."[/color] Isyph nodded, offering the woman who now seemed far less bored a smile. [color=87CEFA]"If you would like to do business through me, you can ask any of the other registrars on your return. My name is Ottavia Sangrhi,"[/color] she put the papers away with alacrity and started to close her shutter, [color=87CEFA]"and I hope fortune smiles on you and yours in the coming days. Also, miss-"[/color] Isyph's smile widened a little, knowing with the shift in Ottavia's tone that she now addressed the woman that Dodger spoke to. [color=FFDAB9]"Please, miss Sangrhi, allow me to handle the situation,"[/color] the Uquii interrupted, [color=FFDAB9]"I saw the temple of Gnara, earlier and my friend seems to know Vaald well. You've done enough, today."[/color] Ottavia seemed to think it over, glancing between all of those gathered before her window...and unceremoniously pulled the shutter down; a motion that was not entirely without chagrin...despite how Isyph felt she may have mollified some of the ill mood that seemed to hang around her. [color=FFDAB9]"Thank you,"[/color] she cried, cupping her hands around her mouth to ensure that the kind woman heard her words, [color=FFDAB9]"I'll make sure she gets there!"[/color] Of course, she doubted that the blue-haired woman cared much about whether or not the follower of Gnara found her temple. Her enthusiasm had waned, slightly, but the day was shaping up to be increasingly interesting; even though fatigue was starting to settle heavily in her ankles and the arches of her feet. She turned, to Dodger and the Half-Elf. She didn't intend to leave the woman in Dodger's hands, at least not alone. Three out of three he had advanced on and Isyph could well identify a womanizer. Dodger certainly fit the bill, dispelling most doubts she would have held. [color=FFDAB9]"Hi there, I'm Isyph Al-Delad,"[/color] she offered, still smiling, removing her hood to introduce herself, [color=FFDAB9]"sorry for that...but Dodger and I know the way to the temple you're looking for. As much as I feel sure that he'd love to show you around, by himself, I think it'd be best if I tagged along,"[/color] Isyph shrugged to herself and thrust her hand toward the woman, though not with any excess of speed, [color=FFDAB9]"I'd rather not get lost, before the Lunar Festival begins."[/color] Her last words were accompanied with a sidelong look at her Thief friend, the edges of her lips curling upward slightly; somewhat bemused by what she had come to learn of him, which was scant little. Still, she had her own motives for injecting herself into Dodger's plan. A reason she liked to think well trumped that of the other Thief. As of now, she was co-leader of the Starless Partners; and certain responsibilities she was more eager to get to than others.[/center]