[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3HMSWb6.png[/img] [hr]Interacting With: None [hr] [/center] The lady scoffed at him. Isaac raised a brow and felt a little deflated at her reaction. Was it something he said? Or was it his demeanor? It reminded him of his first combat experience. He stood in the middle of the road drawing a blank as 7.62 zipped by inches from his face. His team leader had to pull him down, dragged him to a ditch, and literally punched him in his face to get him focused. From then on it was like a switch. Zero in on the situation, get a handle on what you're doing, and vomit later when everything is over. Surviving a plane crash and seeing all the dead gave the survivors the jitters. It was incredibly understandable. Hell, once the high of surviving a damn place crash goes down, Isaac would be vomiting outside the plane in droves. It was suggested to see if anyone else was still alive. There was doubt that anyone other than those present were breathing. But it never hurt to check. He had retained everything that taught him in his combat lifesaver course (CLS), that, and actually doing the steps in theatre helped him a lot too. Rmember the MARCH acronym! Massive hemorrhaging, airway, respiratory, circulation, and hypothermia. Doing those in order would take too much time. Why not skip to circulation? For every body he checked that was deceased, Isaac marked an "X" on the forehead. Every unit is different, and had different SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure), but for his, marking a body with an "X" meant the person in question was without a doubt deceased. It looked insensitive, and in some cultures may be considered desecrating a body, but it told everyone around that this person is no longer among the living, and there is nothing else to be done. The survivors on the plane sounded like an intelligent bunch, hopefully they would pick up on the marks and ignore those with black Xs. "Man, there isn't much left here," mumbled Isaac to himself. It was disheartening looking at all these lost lives. Each person had a family, was someone's child, lover, spouse, sibling, so many stories gone.