[h1][b][center][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][center][hider=Alex Hill] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4xj9T7BUQKSu9ZDoOMZ7JbOfE-HR5UJ-G5z5SgKhxeyUvxqYu[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] After making sure Erin was alright Alex told her he was going to discreetly leave a message for the others. He exited the truck and spoke to anyone he could avoiding those close to Nikki, Matt, or Kyle trying to figure out if they had a plan of where to go. When he got all the info he could he took his small Tanto knife from his truck and carved into the side of a car that wasn't being taken a message Sadie or Micky would easily understand which would take others quite some time. [hider=Meaning of the message] Details of a meeting location about a days drive in the direction the group is headed. That both Erin and Alex are safe. The location of the backpack with Raven's head and a request they not open it. (Plainly put)To stay safe.[/hider] As soon as he was finished he rushed back to his truck and check who was around. Mainly he was looking for the three who caught him during the escape attempt. He only saw two and estimated that the other had died. When everyone started pulling out of the parking lot he went with the theory that the guy was gone. When everyone stopped at the gas station Alex joined in to keep Walkers away from the others. All he had right now was his Tanto because he had given his stuff to Sadie and the rest of them. When it seemed as if everything was clear Alex hopped into the bed of his truck and silently watched Erin as she slept. The fear and memory had gotten to her and she practically blacked out from the experience. It may take awhile before she starts feeling better. Out of the corner of his eye he notices one of the three telling others that he was going around back to 'releave' himself. Alex felt that this was an opportunity that he couldn't pass up. If these two spoke to Nikki or anyone else it may be bad. Alex silently moved to be behind the gas station opposite the way the guy had gone. There was a small fence and a Walker was on the other side. The guy was trying to position himself to take out the Walker, but since no one else was around Alex took the opportunity to cover the guys mouth and shove him into the Walkers arms. There was a small muffled yelp as the guy was somewhat ripped apart. Once that happened Alex smacked the guy in the head knocking him out. Before someone came around to see what the noise was Alex was gone. He watched as the few who came killed the Walker and then solemnly dug the knife in the back of the mans head. Alex overheard that those who found him didn't feel like risking bringing anyone else's morale down and disposed of his body into the dumpster. Only one person really knew the guy and they had come up with the idea. Alex smiled to himself. One more to go and Erin will be safer. Just before they started leaving Alex used a jerry can to put more gas into his truck. He got back in and began driving when he was clear. Erin shifted in her sleep and Alex rubbed her back hoping it might help soothe her.