As soon as the doors opened Arlus sprinted out, even in his heavy armor he was able to keep up with the rest of his new team, rounds zipped passed him and a few off the smaller caliber shots even ricocheted off his armor, leaping up and sliding over a downed pillar Arlus quickly regained his footing and continued towards the ship, but just as things seemed to be going to plan a cannon blast landed rather close to him, the blast itself was close enough to knock him off his feet and to the side. As he toppled to the ground he rolled a few feet and managed to catch himself on one of the rolls, looking up towards where the shots where coming from he noticed another cannon shot coming straight for him, quickly glancing back to see the rest of the group out of range of this current shot he looked back and threw up a barrier. There was an explosion as the round made contact with barrier and out of the smoke Arlus came running his breaths where heavy, blocking something that powerful seemed to drain him but never the less he made it aboard the ship. [color=DarkTurquoise]"I thought they where suppose to not aim for us.."[/color] he grumbled out loud as he stepped onto the CIC. Stopping at the star-map for a moment to catch his breath he overheard the Krogen's comment about food he grinned then removed his helmet and tucked it under his arm [color=DarkTurquoise]"I'm sure there is but theirs only one way to find out big guy"[/color] he said with a grin before he started for the ships dinning area. Something else seemed to catch his eye just passed the dinning area, walking down a long corridor Arlus stopped for a moment at a door [color=DarkTurquoise]"Well well well, what could be behind door number one"[/color] he said to himself before opening it, inside seemed to be the ships main batteries, upon stepping inside he walked around the room and examined it [color=DarkTurquoise]"Impressive, this could really do some damage given the correct power level and the right pilot"[/color] he also notice a spot in the room which he would be able to set up his own equipment [color=DarkTurquoise]"I call dibs on this room!"[/color] he called out before sitting on a bench nearby.