Jamie, use to sneaking about, had moved away when it appeared others were joining her. Apart from not wanting to be the first there, she wanted to know their thoughts without actually asking them. So she hid, staying as still as she possibly could, as she listened in, as the "team" began to come together. She was still furious about the bomb injection, and she was going to find a way to disarm herself, and soon. She listened to the chatter, frowning slightly. At the argument about mages, Jamie almost came out then, but she wanted still. Finally though it was clear she was going to be the only one not there, so she made her way over, as if she were just coming up. But the first thing she said was [color=f7976a]"I have no problem with mages. Honestly, I've been treated better by them then I have my own superiors. As long as someone treats me like well, i'll treat them well. Dying is not an option for me. So lets just do this mission and get back. I'd rather not go Ka'blam, if its all the same to you guys"[/color] She looked to Razer, frowning slightly, wondering why he was pretending to limp, but not really caring. If it made him feel safer to do that, so be it. [color=f7976a]"I'm best as an archer. I'm stealthy, I can track easily and I'm a great shot. My name is jamie. I'm not happy about this. I don't need incentive to follow a job through, so that makes me think these bombs are for something else. But we're here now, so I guess we should get going, right?"[/color] she shifted her bow, looking about at everyone, and she couldn't help but feeling like she was the odd one out. They already seemed friendly. And here she was, just standing about as if she wasn't welcome. She didn't feel like she was. She gave a sigh, and looked away from them all, her eyes stinging with tears once more, but she refused to let them be soon, or to let them flow. [@Ashevelendar]