[h2][color=B22222][center][i][b]Lerraina[/b][/i][/center][/color][/h2] [center][color=B22222][i]Location:[/i][/color] Around the fire with the group. [color=B22222][i]Interacting with:[/i][/color] No one in particular, and Calanon [/center] [hr][hr] Her boots were caked with mud, splotches of dirt reaching up to her knees, her large cloak tucked tightly around her hid the rest of her wears. The cloak itself was worn and even seemed a bit big on her. Dirt had disguised the deep blue it had once been, and the bottom seam had begun to fray. Her hood lay to the back of her head, serving as a cushion as she leaned back into the log. Sunlight danced upon her face, revealing her fair skin and freckles as it speckled through the treetops. She was a plain girl, average in every sense of the word, with the exception of her big, pale blue eyes. Striking as they were, one might argue that her plainness contributed more to her beauty than any other feature. She sat in silence, her face void of emotion, not one muscle moved, not even as Calanon offered a bit of his jerky to those around the fire. Her stomach roared in protest as she remained still, and she contemplated if it would've been worth it to accept the salty meat. Quite typical for Lerraina, to be side tracked by thought, so much that she was late to join their gathering. She hadn't even noticed Keystone return or his bellyachin' and promises of food. Her mind had drifted to a far off place for those moments as her body settled into the ground. It wasn't until the shift in the air as others had left their circle around the fire did she poke an eye open, surveying the going ons around them. She loosed a soft breath and rose to her feet, her arms stretching high above her head. There was so much food, she actually pinched herself, just to be sure she wasn't still dreaming. Just the sight of the days catch had her salivating, for the only thing she had longed for more was a bath. Several had joined in to help prepare their meal, a near naked half orc had set up a space for them to eat comfortably. Thoughts of her childhood came rushing back and perked a small smile on her face. She wasn't quite sure how she could help and so stepped towards Calanon. [color=b22222][b]"Have you ever seen so much food in your life? Granted, there are quite a few of us here ..."[/b][/color], her words drifted as a delicious aroma filled the air [color=b22222][b]"You'd think they'd be trying to buy our company."[/b][/color], she chuckled softly, shifting her eyes onto the elf beside her. [color=b22222][b]"Should we attempt to be of some use?"[/b][/color]