[quote=@j8cob] Creationism is very much related to religion and goes hand-in-hand with it. [/quote] [quote=@Jotunn Draugr] 1. Yes, they aren't religious viewpoints, so they're irrelevant to the discussion. [/quote] Well this is awkward.... [quote=@j8cob] Not everyone who is religious is a creationist, [b]but everyone who is a creationist is religious.[/b] [/quote] Wrong. You can belive in intelligent design or even theistic creationism without adhering to any organised religion, do some fact checking before making these claims. Im not going to keep repeating myself on this but creationism has very little to do with religion, applying biblical literalism to scientific facts is largley seen as a fringe ideology that ties into conspiracy theories about mainstream scientists keeping the public away from god. Almost all christains reject the idea of creationism as it undermines the metaphorical importance of biblical stories. Now for Ben Carson to think that world is 6000 years old or the world was created in 6 days in the face of astrophysists, paleontologist and biologists, he would have to be agressively ignorant AND very arrogant to think he knows more about the world than a scientist who has trained and studied longer than he has to know about the world. This is why me and you dont claim to know more about brain surgery than Carson because it isnt our field. So he must either think that 99% of the scientists in the world are misinformed or LYING about the facts of the world, which is absolutely insane in any context but especially in the context of someone to run the country.