[center] [img] http://2.media.dorkly.cvcdn.com/32/20/6e2525e99cef48e66f5749a1f78b3ad1.jpg [/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQfF84ackMM ] [i] Somewhere, deep within the windswept landscape of Post-War California, an old radio crackles to life. [/i] [/url] [/center] War. War never changes. The bones and corpses that litter the irradiated soil of the United States are a testament to that. Once pillars of atomic inferno scorched the earth and boiled the sea, war was pretty much all that humanity had left. That was two centuries ago, and in the year 2287 the bustling city of Shady Sands is once again beginning to resemble some semblance of Pre-War civilisation. Whilst a strong bond exists between the citizens of the New California Republic, and the Independent settlement of Vault City to the North, the NCR fight a daily battle to stop their Post-Apocalyptic Empire from falling into ruin. The roaming cannibal hordes of the Northwest Commonwealth pose an ever-present threat to safety of all those they cross paths with, especially in recent years, where escaped slaves from the ruins of Oregon tell tales of the cannibal’s ruthless new leader; a tyrant called ‘King Krezzman’. Even one hundred and twenty six years after his destruction, the Master’s legacy still haunts the wasteland. A rampaging band of Super Mutants, dubbed ‘The Master’s Children’ loot and pillage across NCR territory, seemingly enduring every attempt the republic makes to put them down once and for all. Whilst New Reno once prospered under the Wright family, their line has been extinguished, and new players have risen to prominence. Rebuilding old Jet labs, the Lazzari Family have seized control of New Reno through a series of bloody skirmishes and underhand dealings. Although the NCR has condemned Donna Regina Lazzari’s actions, the city of sin has become far too important a trading hub to declare war upon, so the Lazzari Family continues to thrive, unpunished by the republic, or any other form of wasteland justice. But to you, these are little more than stories. You are a freelancer, a gun-for-hire who holds no loyalties beyond their next payment. To you, the politics of the NCR are barely an afterthought. One day you’re hired to carry out a fairly simple job. Someone's late on their payment to the Lazzari family, and they need to be disciplined. But all is not what it seems, and you soon find yourself at the mercy of the Pagans, one of California’s newest gangs. You’ve no idea what lies ahead of you, but past experience tells you that it won’t be easy. Because war...war never changes. [center] [u] [b]OOC Mumbojumbo[/b] [/u] [/center] Hiya folks! I’m planning to run a fallout themed RP with a small group, which I’ll GM in the traditional sense of reacting to player choices and such. I’m looking for a few players who can commit to at least bi-weekly posts, with a decent understanding of Fallout Lore. Any takers?