Right now for me it is a general lack of manners and respect. It is one thing to joke around but seriously, just putting a ":P" or an "LOL" at the end of something you say doesn't make it suddenly alright. It actually can make it far more insulting. It doesn't make it alright to be insulting or demeaning towards someone just because you are friends, in fact it can make it that much worse. And seriously, using the excuse "I'm young" or "I'm just a kid" doesn't give you a free card. If you know enough to say that to try to make it alright or acceptable you know better than to say or do it. If you want respect around here you need to give it. In the last month I have lost so much of what respect I had for some people around here it is ludicrous and down right damn disheartening. I've pulled away from many these last couple of weeks alone because I am finding some just are not worth my time anymore and I do not wish to be exposed to them. I won't name names but seriously if you are offended by this, taken aback, or wonder if it pertains to you - chances are you really need to reevaluate yourself and your habits. You aren't funny, you are driving away those that were standing by you.