[h2]Tachibana Hibiki, Holding Determination in Her Fist[/h2] Hibiki's expression immediately brightened. So they could restore this world! That meant that everything could be fixed up perfectly! This meant she had too major goals: Stop any other worlds from disappearing, and return this world's core so it can come back! She raised one fist in front of herself and clutched it in determination, her eyes burning with resolve. This was something she had to do for the sake of everyone, including everyone she knew and loved back home! And the world core thief was already making a move?! That meant they had to act really fast... especially since she'd gotten a team of her own. But these were people she could talk to, right? If she could reach out to them and make them understand, they wouldn't have to fight anymore! Though, in this case, she'd probably have to make them understand with her fists. "All I need to know is where we're going and how we're getting there!" Hibiki declared, clenching her fist in the air. [hr] [h2]Saber, King Arthur Herself[/h2] Saber nodded. So this world could be mended, but the fact remained that the priority until they could retrieve it was the protection of other worlds. However, the more strategic portion of her mind considered that, even if they successfully defended a world once, what prevented the enemy from returning to assault it once more? They clearly didn't have the numbers to place defenders on every world that they needed to protect, and that meant that there had to be some way of ensuring that no world was left unprotected. Perhaps Charmeine had some method in mind that could stop further incursions? "I am ready to meet them in battle," Saber said, simply, nodding her head. She paused for a moment, before continuing. "However, how can we prevent them from returning to a world after it has been defended once? We do not have the numbers to leave anyone behind to defend them."