[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Wrong. You can belive in intelligent design or even theistic creationism without adhering to any organised religion, do some fact checking before making these claims. [/quote] You are quite possibly the only person who thinks this. I just did some fact-checking and I couldn't find a single person who identified themselves as a creationist without identifying themselves as some form of Abrahamic religion. I couldn't. Not even the plebians on tumblr or Twitter or anything, let alone any prominent names or famous people throughout history. To the contrary, I found a good number of Christian websites that very directly state that creationism is an important part of religion with one article outright saying "creation is religion." Just because the majority of Christians don't believe in creationism doesn't mean it isn't a [i]very[/i] religious thing. It is entirely belief based, as religion is. People who believe in creationism had it instilled in them at a young age, as religion usually works too. From that point onward it becomes difficult for anyone who was taught creationism by their parents or parish to ever shake that belief. The way the human psyche works makes people not want to change. People can change, but they inherently don't want to. If they were trained to be super religious as a child, they will remain super religious throughout their adult life outside of rare circumstances. Your assertion that creationism has nothing to do with religion is an ignorant assertion in and of itself, ironically.