William's rage stopped when he heard the assassin talk , he listened to him and nodded. " [color=red] You may be right Shadow. You may be. [/color] ". William saw Jamie come out from wherever she was hiding and saluted her. " [color=red] I am William. It's a pleasure to meet you , Jamie. Thanks for the restrained judgement on my kind. It...means a lot. [/color] " William never met anyone that didn't hated his kind and was moved by Jamie words. Looking at Darius , William had an idea. " [color=red] Jamie has a point here. We need to know our skills if we are to travel together. From what I heard from the guards that didn't know how to keep their mouths shut in the library...this Wasteland is a place of great danger. It will serve us well to know each others skill set before we leave. Linked in life and in death as we are...it may prove healthy to know that. We already know what Darius and Jamie are capable of. What about the others ? I am a Magi and I specialize in Death and Black Magic. I have a small grasp of some basic spells but I wasn't overeager to learn too much , too fast. Those that know too much are " Exalted " as they call it. They are to meet be sent to another location for further training. I can be sure they don't as any other Mage would tell you. *noticing Razer for the first time , William introduces himself* What about you...Kil'garen or you James ? [/color] " he paused and added something " [color=red] By the way , Shadow...they will kill us even if we complete this mission , most likely. Freeing Magi from the Citadel is not something that the Emperor would want to be found out. [/color] " [@Wick][@dabombjk][@shadow daedalus][@caits][@venku][@Gareth]