[h2]Sogiita Gunha[/h2] Gunha stood with a slightly amused smile while looking at the screen. It was a tad strange, seeing the juxtaposition between that and the happy fluffy pink room, but there was enough information to at least figure out that the enemy had made their move. Perfect; time to teach those cowards a lesson. "Alright, Charmeine! Show us the way so we can get moving; the longer we wait, the more of an advantage they'll have!" he said, crossing his arms as he stared at the screen. Hm... Well, either looked fine, honestly. What difference did location make in the end, anyways? It was all about the [i]goal[/i] and all that. Just gotta have guts to go in and save them all; nothing more, nothing less! [h2]The Anguished One[/h2] [color=#ffff00]"Ehehe... Thanks, miss! Let's do our best~!"[/color] Alice let out a small bit of a laugh as Yuuka petted her head, a fact which confused the Anguished One... If only slightly. After all, that child had been raised be Nebiros and Belial, and was generally only truly receptive of them (and, well, the Shining One). Was this to imply something else...? ... Well, there was no point in dwelling on that further. Introductions seemed to be in order, and from the looks of things, the ragtag group that child had assembled here would soon be off on the road to try and gather those 'world cores'. Speaking of introductions, though... It might be preferable to withhold his self-proclaimed name or true name for now. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Kazami. My name... 'The Anguished One' shall do," he said, bowing to her before turning to look at the gaps that had just opened up in the room. The child's explanation... Hm... Well, at the very least, it would be easiest to test those who had magical aptitude. It would lessen the burden he placed on himself during any such tests of will, at least; distributing Nicaea if the need be would also probably be easier. Besides, he didn't have much of a good opinion of hitmen or anyone of the sort. Granted, police during times of chaos weren't always reliable either... But, well, that's what brought out the potential in humanity, was it not? "I shall travel to the latter; it coincides with my own skillset quite well," he said, turning to Alice for a moment before looking back at the tears in space-time in front of him. It was honestly an affront to every law of nature known to him, but... Well, the chance to reason with that had long since passed. With a sigh, the Anguished One calmly walked up to the portal and, with a sigh, walked through it. Alice quietly followed suit, disappearing with the Anguished One to... Wherever their destination was.