[center][h3]Announcement![/h3][/center] It's cleanup time :D With the IC revving up I'm pricing up the abilities and also double checking skills. A few people have been worried that some characters have "doubled up" their skills, aka being able to master multiple weapons in one slot ect. This is totally my bad for letting this stuff slip through, so I'm going over everything today to make sure we're all on even footing. [@DuskSong] Still think your "Memory" ability is awesome. She'll be able to learn basic skills (e.g. firemaking, keeping an eye out for certain herbs, ect) fairly easily and more complicated things (such as learning to read, write or track) with more difficulty. She'll also need a teacher to help her for those :D [@ShadowDaedalus] Please pick for these ones: Would you like athletics or agility? Would you like Hunting or tracking? [@RedDusk] Oh wording wise - for the pretender [code]Mind magic does not work as well on his host, just as blood and pain no longer deter him.[/code] I'm happy for him to have some physical and mental resistance, but if blood/pain don't deter him [i]at all[/i] (like terminator level), then i think it's a bit too powerful to also have mental resistance to effects. So would you like purely to be physically unstoppable or get some bonuses in relation to both mental and physical aspects? [@Dusksong] So Weapon Mastery - you can either know how to use all weapons without penalty or master one type of weapon, what would you like? [@Write] [code]After so many years of living in the forest Phe is an incredible hunter/gatherer having kept herself fed for the past six years without almost any help. She has an incredible sense of her own presence and hearing and is able to accurately aim a bow and arrow at fifty to sixty yards.[/code] Ok so, in this ability she can presumably: Hunt well Gather plants safely Incredible hearing Great with a bow So can you pick one focus please for it? thanks :D Also for Nourish on Eclair - I'm assuming that the focus is preparing vegetables/herbs/ect safely? [h3]A note to everyone on healing abilities:[/h3] If someone loses a limb, it's gooone. For those of you with powerful heals, you can petition in the OOC to regrow it, but please think very carefully if that's what you'd like to do. I promise it'll be a grusome and painful experience with unseen consequences if you do undertake it IC ;) [@Ashevelendar] I'm upping the liklihood of making a Shadow Creature on one of your abilities, as with new powers I'd say 10% is quite low. Don't worry though you don't need to change anything really, I'll just adjust the percentage when I roll for it. Talked with Inertia over discord~ [@DuskSong] [code]Soul Sight: Souls do not lie. They do not change even with rebirth, and this ability allows Eilidh to check the soul of a person to see exactly who they are through all their lifetimes. She will only have an pseudo-soul identity and will not glean any information from the person’s lifetimes.[/code] So does this tell her they're gods and also what lives they've lived? [@Howlsofwinter] I know you specified this in your god backstory, but i can't promise everything will have a happy ending, particularly because the genre is tragedy. It'll depend on the IC :L [code]Causality manipulation: Has the ability to manipulate one's lifespan. If they decided it was time to die, they had the ability to cut the thread of fate and end it.[/code] I know the victim must agree for their life to be cut short, but can you elaborate on what you mean by "manipulating a person's lifespan"? is it just the mercy killing thing? [@ShadowDaedalus] [code]Hand of Decay: Any living creature caught by his hand will begin to slowly decay whilst still alive, until their life force can't handle it anymore and they expire. Larger creatures or those with more willpower can resist the effect for longer, but nothing can hold out indefinitely. Thicker black smoke, slightly sparking with purple lightning, rises from his forearms.[/code] Ok, so, I imagine this as a channelled effect that can be interupted. If you stop channeling or are interupted, the effect stops worsening by unnatural causes, but it can still cause problems from natural causes (aka the rot spreading if untreated) I'm applying this logic to Hand of Collapse as well, for immortal players, touch must be sustained. [code]Envhaki: Summons his cursed spear, which can kill with the slightest cut. His hands and forearms are covered by his Immortal form.[/code] Envhaki subject to the PVP laws I submitted a while ago. I'll add them up to the front page soon :D