[@EnterTheHero][@Lmpkio] Pleased that the angel agreed with him, Akoni made for the crypt at once. He volunteered to take point for the group, manifesting magical light from his hand and keeping watch around curves and corners using his gates. Before any turn, he was manifest a gate directly in front of himself, then one facing the turn so as to get an idea of what lay ahead. There were no precautions too paranoid or safe, after all. It was a good idea, too. Even without making use of his spacial bending magic the group could see lights off in the distance and hear the sounds of... [i]Something[/i] actively moving around. Whatever the reality of the situation, the old mage instantly felt that no good could come of it. Before scouting ahead to see what exactly they were dealing with, however, there was their immediate surroundings to contend with. Taking notice of the chandelier above, Akoni noticed that it reacted to energies. One question remained now, which he posited to whatever companions accompanied while he made an attempt to magically scan the chandelier and identify its properties with the deposit of knowledge he possessed. [color=dodgerblue]"I could easily light it, but I am wary to attract undue attention from further down the crypt. What are your thoughts?"[/color] The question itself was largely unimportant, for he would make his own decision on the matter based on his identification magic. He merely thought the others deserved to participate in some capacity, and it served to buy him some small amount of time to complete the spell.