[hider=Alex][H1]Alex LaCroix[/h1] [H3]"Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets." -Paul Tournier[/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/BaSGDzG.png[/img] She's a brunette with her long hair tied in a ponytail. Her muscles are fairly toned due to her athletic stature.[/hider] [B]Personality:[/b] Vulgar language aside, Alex's actions in the general public can be described as "vulgar" from a simple glance. She shoves people off of her if they constantly get in her way, and she doesn't seem to understand a fair amount of common etiquette aside from "don't piss all over the floor" and the like. Alex can be easily seen as the living embodiment of examples people should never follow. She never starts roughhousing, but she certainly pays back the favor almost tripled if someone bothers her- intentionally or not. In less crowded places, Alex lashes out less to strangers whenever they bother her. If she becomes aware of someone who wants to be friends with her, however, she will initially not respond and slowly begin to observe them. People she befriends are treated much less harshly by her, for despite not knowing how to act around friends that well, she will at least show some care. Her personality as a whole is quite volatile and can swing around like a time bomb with a constantly changing timer. [B]History:[/b] Although she refuses to reveal much of her background, there are hints of having received long-term abuse through her actions and behavior towards certain subjects. She has no pictures of her childhood until her teenage years, which was when she left her home after realizing her special ability and violently wounding her parents with it. It is not clear as to whether they abused her or not. Her mental stability became twisted as she lived like a thug in the streets, but eventually, she was arrested while clubbing a group of men who hit on her with a metal baseball bat. After being in prison for about two years, she was eventually sent to the academy for Metahumans to improve upon her attitude in society and learn how to control her ability better. She is reluctant in changing herself for the better at the moment. [B]Two Face:[/b] When she becomes either nervous or angered, Alex bleeds out faster, but in return, she gains the ability to ignore pain and move her limbs with more strength. She can control the ability as long as she keeps her composure accordingly to her situations, though that is not guaranteed to work all the time due to her flippant personality that is fairly rude by default compared to most classmates. If she becomes frightened, however, she will bleed out slower, but feels pain twice more than usual. Her movements technically do not slow down if she is frightened. [B]Allergies:[/b] None [B]Pre-existing conditions:[/b] Alex smokes very often outside of class and can quickly become frightened if a large group of men smaller than her or about her height approach her. She sleepwalks if her ability is consecutively triggered more than thrice in a single day. While sleepwalking, she will pat people in the back randomly instead of trying to smash their head for annoying her.[/hider]